Children's book from the 70s with cross sections of vehicles

CharlasName that Book

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Children's book from the 70s with cross sections of vehicles

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Nov 9, 2010, 7:38 pm

It is not Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. In my memory of it, the illustrations are more Richard Scarry than Stephen Biesty. I recall a cross section of a cruise ship, where you could see a ballroom, the engine room etc. I do not recall if there were even people pictured, or animals like Richard Scarry. I recall the size of the book being about like a giant Golden Book or so.

Not sure of the date, but I was born in 1972, so I expect it would have been from the 60s or more likely the 70s,

Editado: Nov 9, 2010, 9:39 pm

I had that book and several others in the series in the 90s (yard sale find, I suppose) and I am happy to report that it is What Makes it Go? What Makes It Work? What Makes It Fly? What Makes It Float?.

Here's a blog post with some illustrations:

Nov 9, 2010, 10:43 pm

I can't believe how fast your response was, and yes, that is it. I had no memory at all of what the cover looked like, but as soon as I saw the picture, there was no doubt. I will be placing an order for a used copy on Amazon this week, and I thank you for ending about a month of stewing and googling. This site rocks.

Nov 9, 2010, 11:11 pm

You're welcome. I think this site rocks too :)