Series de libros para mack1968

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de mack1968

Resumen: 64 Serie

20th Century Journey: A Memoir of a Life and the Times

The Army of the Potomac

Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century

Batsford British Battles

Berlin Diary

The Berlin Stories

Bernie Gunther


Cambridge Medieval Textbooks

Campaigns and Commanders

Canadian history series: Doubleday

Centennial History of the Civil War

Civil War America

Civil War Centennial Series

The Civil War in the West

Civil War trilogy

The Coming of the Great War

Cousins' War

The Crucible of War

Crusader Worlds

The Decline and Fall - Everyman's Library

Deutsche Geschichte der neuesten Zeit

Documents of Modern History

Exeter Studies in History

Ford Lectures

De Gaulle / Jean Lacouture

George Washington

Grands témoins, Elsevier Sequioia

Grant trilogy

The Highland Trilogy

A History of Britain {Schama}

The History of England

History of Rome

History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from 1807 to 1814

The Hundred Years War


The Irish Guards in the Great War

Kershaw's Hitler

Lancaster Pamphlets

The Medieval World [Longman]

Modern War Studies

Napoleonic Library

The New American Nation

Ordeal of the Union

Overland Campaign

The Oxford History of the United States

Penguin History of the Church

Pivotal Moments in American History

Plantagenet Saga

Plantagenets and Tudors

The Road to Disunion

Roman Imperial Biographies

The Romanovs


Standaard Tweede Wereldoorlog in woord en beeld

Stewart Dynasty in Scotland

The Story of England

Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry

The Third Reich trilogy

Warfare in History

Warrior Kings

What if

Yale English Monarchs

Yes, Prime Minister