Series de libros para Tanya2011

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de Tanya2011

Resumen: 95 Serie

Anne Rice's Servant of the Bones


The Bane Chronicles

The Bridei Chronicles

Chronicles of Diana Furnaval

The Complex

Cruel Beauty

The Daimones Trilogy

The Dark Cycle

Day Soldiers


Demon Child


Dragon Blood

Dragon Prince

Dragon Star

The Elemental Masters

The Emperor's Edge

The Enduring Flame

The Giver

The Golden Key

Graceling Realm

Halfblood Chronicles

The Hero Chronicles


The Host

The Hunger Games

Imriel Trilogy

In Flagrante Apocalypto

The Infernal Devices

The Infernal Devices [graphic novels]

Irish End Game

Journalstone DoubleDown Series

Keys to the Kingdom

Kushiel's Legacy

The Last Year

The Light Isles

Lives of the Mayfair Witches

The Lunar Chronicles

Mageborn Exiles

The Maze Runner

The Mortal Instruments

New Tales of the Vampires

Obsidian Trilogy

Old Kingdom

The Once and Future King

The Other Kingdom

Palmer Island

Phèdre Trilogy


Project Solaris

Ramses the Damned

Red Rising Saga

Santa Olivia

The Secret Healer

The Seventh Tower


A Shade of Vampire

The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Author-recommended order

Slip Trilogy


Standard Works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sunrunners' World

Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms

Tales of the Kingdom

Tales of the Latter Kingdoms

The Tide Lords

The Treemakers Trilogy

Twilight Saga


Unexpected Magic

Unwind Dystology

Valdemar : Alberich

Valdemar : Darian's Tale

Valdemar : Mage Storms

Valdemar : Mage Wars

Valdemar : Mage Winds Trilogy

Valdemar : The Collegium Chronicles

Valdemar : The Last Herald-Mage

Valdemar : Vows and Honor

Valdemar: Chronological Order

Valdemar: Heralds of Valdemar

Valdemar: Publication Order

The Vampire Chronicles


Winner's Trilogy

Witch World

Witch World: Estcarp Cycle

Witch World: Gryphon Saga

Witch World: High Hallack

Witch World: Publication Order

Witch World: Secrets Cycle

Witch World: Turning Cycle

The Wolf Gift Chronicles
