Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Though I have many contemporary books, I tend to specialize in pre-1700 literature. My areas of interest include Milton, Shakespeare, Classical Greek drama, Medieval literature, and epic poetry. I'm also interested in British Romanticism and American Realism/Naturalism. Since I am a college instructor, I receive free books to consider for my classes--this is why there are so many readers, handbooks, rhetorics, etc. in my library. I usually check out the current books that receive critical raves, and I also read some children's literature since I have a soft spot for fantasy. And, yes, there are a few sappy/corny books on my shelf. I know that they're poorly written, but they can be fun when I need a light read.
Sobre mí
I have a BA and MA in English, and I teach lower-division English courses at San Jose State University. Obviously, with all of this English schooling, I am a book freak. While I love libraries, there has always been something about bookstores that attracts me--maybe it's that unique smell. Whatever the reason, I love owning books. My family house has always been full of them, thanks to my mom who also loves to read. Because of her, I was exposed to books from birth, and she raised a voracious little reader.
Gilroy, California

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