Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I have come to enjoy Dark Fantasy more than anything else in the great world of novels. I have also noticed myself and a specific interest in post-apocalyptic books [hence "The Dead and the Gone", "Life As We Knew It", and "This World We Live In", all by Susan Beth Pfeffer.]

Currently Reading:

I usually like to read many books at one.

Sobre mí
Hello! My name is Tony. I love to dream about a garden I might have one day, playing with my 1year old puppy, Finn, and coding CSS, HTML, XHTML, and JAVA. I'm on the computer an insane 5-8 hours a day to roleplay on my dark fantasy forum - - playing on Neopets [where I can have a blank canvas for my many graphics and codes] where I love to teach young users the way of CSS/HTML, and brainstorming novel plots in my spare time.

If you would like to join my forum, please talk to me first.
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("Please talk to me first.")
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