
humor (1), action (1), time travel (1), fantasy (1), sword (1), science fiction (1), sorcery (1)
Jun 11, 2016
Sobre mí
Melindra Hattfield Snowy, a part-time writer and full-time dreamer, who of course prefers to be known as MH, is the author of The 12 Nights of Jeremy Sunson and In Harm's Way, the first novella in Harm's story published by Pygaso Productions, described as epic fantasy meets The Truman Show.

MH has also penned several short stories including We Three Laws of Robotics Are and The Secret Invasion of George Kranskii which explains how road rage is result the result of an alien invasion.

You can find MH at www.MHSnowy.com, on Goodreads, and you can follow @MHSnowy_Dreamer on Twitter.

When not writing or occupied with her dual-identity, MH walks through the mountains with her partner or tries to unravel the secrets of her great-grandmother, an adventuress who disembarked from the French steamer Laos in 1931 seeking to uncover rumours of Mayan temples deep in the heart of the Amazon jungle, and disappeared, never to be heard of again.
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