
philosophical (2), student (2), destitution (2), morals (2), despair (2), historical (2), crime (2), greed (2), psychological (2), mystery (1), French prostitute society wealth power classic (1), Australian autobiography writer lifestyle (1), female artists feminist craft art study biographies anecdotes (1), Appalachian Trail USA humour adventure (1), Athens Sparta Greek history war strategy plague biography politics (1), corruption suffering and redemption cruelty sympathy Russian classic oppressive social historical philosphical crafted literature (1), corruption suffering and redemption cruelty sympathy (1), Russian classic oppressive social historical philosphical crafted literature (1), Dutch contemporary zen (1), psychological norway norwegian crime murder sejer mystery (1), Epic Odysseus Telemachus Cylcopes Pantheon of gods shipwrecks battles thieving sacrifice courage obstinance trials tribulations triumphs (1), Europe twentieth century history (1), French memoir psychological sexual female (1), cyncial (1), crime cops miami (1), swedish homeless psycho murder (1), Inspector Van Veeteren Crime Murder Sweden (1), sci fi world aliens (1), plague black death middle ages pandmic (1), plague infection personal account london (1), Venice crime police procedural (1), thriller dog genetics psycho scarey stalker (1), light mystery historical fiction japan sugawara akitada island exiles emperor master servant slaves mines mountains buddhist (1), Japanese fiction romance (1), Australian country society (1), Elementary Particles (1), biology (1), humour (1), epic (1), religion (1), historical fiction (1), magical realism (1), fantasy (1), Norwegian (1), atheism (1), human condition (1), Norway (1), american fiction (1), contemporary police procedural (1), French contemporary (1), animalia (1), alternate world (1), tragedy (1), political (1), India (1), Latin America. (1), urban fantasy (1), can be found at Gutenburg.org (1), Japanese fiction (1), Dutch contemporary (1), kiwi fiction spriti (1)
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Aug 14, 2007

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