SeriesThe Lyman Beecher Lectures

40 Obras Popularidad 7,173 (1,385 Miembros) 1,845 Libros 7 Reseñas 4.0
Adventurous Preaching (The Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale) por James H. Robinson 19 copias
The Art of Preaching por Charles Reynolds Brown 20 copias, 1 reseña
The audacity of preaching por Gene E. Bartlett 31 copias
The building of the church por Charles Edward Jefferson 20 copias
The church's ministry in our time por Henry Knox Sherrill 3 copias
Communicating the Gospel por Halford E. Luccock 24 copias, 1 reseña
The cure of souls por John Watson 22 copias
The Cure of Souls: Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale University, 1896 0 copias
The dilemma of modern belief por Samuel Howard Miller 19 copias
Dilemma of Modern Belief [Lyman Beecher Lectures] por Samuel H. Miller 2 copias
The educational ideal in the ministry por William Herbert Perry 3 copias
Educational Ideal in the Ministry [Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale] 1 copia
Elemental religion : the Lyman Beecher lectures for 1933 por L. P. Jacks 2 copias
A Faith to Proclaim por James S. Stewart 111 copias
Freedom of the Preacher [Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale] por William Pierson Merrill 1 copia
God's Good News por Gerald Kennedy 9 copias
God's Word through Preaching [Yale Lectures, 1875] por John Hall 12 copias
Good Ministers of Jesus Christ (Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching, Yale University) por William Fraser McDowell 5 copias
The highway of God por Ralph W. Sockman 11 copias
How shall they preach por Gardner C. Taylor 30 copias
The Meaning of Worship (The Lyman Beecher Lectures for 1958) por Douglas Horton 6 copias
Miracle of Preaching (Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale) por John Edgar Park 1 copia
Nine Lectures on Preaching por R. W. Dale 15 copias
Overhearing the Gospel por Fred B. Craddock 219 copias, 1 reseña
Positive preaching and the modern mind por P. T. Forsyth 130 copias
The Preacher and His Place [Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale] por David H. [from old catalog] Greer 1 copia
The Preacher's Task and the Stone of Stumbling (Lyman Beecher Lectures / Yale University, 1957) 1 copia
The preacher's task and the stone of stumbling por D. T. Niles 38 copias
Preaching and the new reformation (The Lyman Beecher lectures) por Truman B. Douglass 6 copias
The preaching event (Lyman Beecher lectures) por John R. Claypool 121 copias
Preaching in a Revolutionary Age por Garfield Bromley Oxnam 6 copias
The public worship of God por J. R. P. Sclater 11 copias
The romance of preaching por C. Silvester Horne 10 copias
Social crisis preaching (The Lyman Beecher lectures) por Kelly Miller Smith 3 copias
The Sunday-School: Its Origin, Mission, Methods & Auxiliaries [Yale Lectures on the Sunday School] por H. Clay Trumbull 9 copias
Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives por Phyllis Trible 523 copias, 3 reseñas
What is Christianity? por Charles Clayton Morrison 8 copias
What's Good About This News?: Preaching from the Gospels and Galatians (The Lyman Beecher Lectures) por David L. Bartlett 20 copias
When God Is Silent por Barbara Brown Taylor 349 copias, 1 reseña
Yale Lectures on Preaching: First, Second, and Third Series por Henry Ward Beecher 23 copias


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