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Para otros autores llamados Bob Woodward, ver la página de desambiguación.

33+ Obras 25,969 Miembros 451 Reseñas 30 Preferidas

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Bob Woodward is the author or co-author of seven #1 national bestsellers, including "All the President's Men," "The Brethren," & "The Agenda." He is Assistant Managing Editor of "The Washington Post" & lives in Washington, D.C. (Publisher Provided) Journalist and author Bob Woodward was born in mostrar más Geneva, Illinois on March 26, 1943. He majored in history and English literature at Yale University on a Naval ROTC scholarship. After graduating in 1965, he spent four years in the United States Navy. At the end of his military service, he was accepted into Harvard Law School, but decided to become a journalist. Woodward and Carl Bernstein, both reporters for The Washington Post, uncovered the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. They wrote two books together All the President's Men about their account of the investigation and The Final Days about the collapse of the Nixon administration. He also has written numerous nonfiction books including three on the presidency of George W. Bush. He has twice contributed to collective journalistic efforts that earned The Washington Post and its staff a Pulitzer Prize. He also was awarded the 2003 Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency. He is currently the assistant managing editor at The Washington Post and is responsible for the paper's special investigative projects. Woodward's title's,The Last of the President's Men and Fear, made the New York Times bestseller list. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Wikipedia page


Obras de Bob Woodward

Fear: Trump in the White House (2018) 2,623 copias, 131 reseñas
Negar la evidencia (2007) 1,894 copias, 23 reseñas
Plan of Attack (2004) 1,834 copias, 12 reseñas
Bush En Guerra (Spanish Edition) (2002) 1,614 copias, 14 reseñas
The Final Days (1976) 1,524 copias, 13 reseñas
The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court (1979) 1,426 copias, 17 reseñas
Las guerras secretas de la CIA (1987) 1,194 copias, 3 reseñas
Rabia (2020) 1,149 copias, 56 reseñas
Obama's Wars (2010) 956 copias, 21 reseñas
The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House (1994) 856 copias, 4 reseñas
The War Within (2008) 788 copias, 9 reseñas
Peril (2021) 720 copias, 23 reseñas

Obras relacionadas

The Presidential Transcripts (1974) — Contribuidor — 200 copias, 3 reseñas
The Best American Magazine Writing 2003 (2003) — Contribuidor — 71 copias
The Fall of a President (1974) — Contribuidor — 44 copias
The Best American Political Writing 2004 (2004) — Contribuidor — 41 copias, 1 reseña


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Fear is what we should all feel after reading how unprepared and unqualified the buffoon in chief is.
SteveCarl | 130 reseñas más. | Jun 24, 2024 |
(Print: ©9/12/2020; 9781471197710; Simon Schuster; 480 pp.)
(Digital: Yes).
*Audio: ©9/15/2020; 978-1797113043; Simon & Schuster Audio; Duration 13:28:17; 12 parts; unabridged
(Film: No.)

This is Bob’s second book about Donald J. Trump. Donald had not agreed to interviews for the first one, “Fear”, and, according to Bob, felt that perhaps if he had, Bob may have painted a better picture of him. So, he did 17 interviews with Bob for this book.
During the final interviews, Donald makes it clear that he understands that Bob is “one of them”—one of those liberal democrats who does not understand him. I suspect that Trump’s hope in doing the interviews was that Woodward would emphasize what Trump feels are his strong points. But my sense is that Woodward’s motive runs more along the line of broaching Trump’s weak points with him, not necessarily to demonstrate them to his audience, but possibly with a motive toward exerting some degree of influence.
So the book has a debate flavor with many “yes but's" on both sides.
The title of the book comes from something Donald told Bob early on, that he just seems to inspire rage in some people. They don’t like what he does or how he does it. And, is he maybe just a little proud of this? Me thinks he is.
Bob recorded the interviews and appears to be recounting parts of them here verbatim. He also interviewed people who had close contact with Donald during his presidency.
They discuss China’s handling of the pandemic; America’s experience of and handling of the pandemic; the strength of the economy before and after the pandemic; the friendly relationship Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea struck up; and other matters of consequence to the presidency.
We get a fairly accurate sense of Trump’s attitudes, but granted, they are served along with Bob’s assessment of those attitudes.

Robert (Bob) Upshur Woodward (3/26/1943). According to Wikipedia, Bob “is an American investigative journalist. He started working for The Washington Post as a reporter in 1971 and currently holds the title of associate editor.[1][2]
While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Woodward teamed up with Carl Bernstein; the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to numerous government investigations and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon. The work of Woodward and Bernstein was called "maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time" by longtime journalism figure Gene Roberts.[3]
Woodward continued to work for The Washington Post after his reporting on Watergate. He has written 20 books on American politics and current affairs, 13 of which have topped best-seller lists.”

Robert Petkoff. According to Wikipedia, Robert “is an American stage actor known for his work in Shakespearean productions and more recently on the New York City musical theater stage. Petkoff has performed on Broadway, the West End, regional theatre, and done work in film and television. Petkoff was featured as "Perchik" in the Tony award-nominated 2004 revival cast of Fiddler on the Roof but is perhaps best known for his role as "Tateh" in the 2009 revival of Ragtime on Broadway.[1] Petkoff has also provided the voices for over two dozen audiobooks, winning awards for his reading of Michael Koryta's So Cold the River. Married to actress Susan Wands, Petkoff has lived in New York City for the last twenty years, and often performs in benefit concerts for theater-district-related charities.”
Coincidentally, after listening to "Rage", we are now listening to Scott Turow’s “Pleading Guilty”. The dialogue is so different between the two books, that if the credits hadn’t been announced in the beginning, I probably would not have recognized that this is another of Robert’s narrations.
Great diction; perfect inflection and intonation; and easy to understand over engine and traffic noise.

Biography, non-fiction, politics


President Trump, politics, pandemic, Black Lives Matter, white privilege, Kim Jong-un

“To Alice Mayhew, who edited every one of my 19 previous books over 44 years and gave me a lifetime of wisdom and love, and to Carolyn Reidy, our revered and steady captain at Simon & Schuster. I miss them both.
And to the next generation:
Diana Woodward
Tali Woodward
Son-in-law Gabe Roth
Grandchildren Zadie and Theo"

From chapter one:
“Shortly before the Thanksgiving holiday of 2016, retired Marine General James Mattis saw a call from an unknown Indiana number flash on his cell phone screen. Not knowing anyone from there, he ignored it.
He was volunteering at the local Tri-Cities Food Bank in Richland, Washington, his childhood home on the Columbia River, where his mother and brother still lived.
When a second call came from Indiana, he answered.
“This is Mike Pence.”
Mattis didn’t know a Mike Pence, but quickly realized he was speaking with the vice president-elect.
The president-elect would like to talk to you about the secretary of defense job, Pence said.
I am happy to give my advice, Mattis said, but I am not eligible. To preserve strict civilian control, the law prohibits anyone who has been a military officer in the last seven years from serving as defense secretary. The only exception had been World War II General George Marshall, who had received a waiver in 1950 and been a national hero.
Given the raging partisan divisions in Washington, Mattis privately believed Democrats in Congress would never support such a waiver.
But Mattis did talk to Trump, and agreed to fly east. He wanted to persuade Trump to question his positions on NATO and torture. Trump had called the military alliance “obsolete” and promised to bring back the “enhanced interrogation techniques” on suspected terrorists that President Barack Obama had banned. Mattis thought Trump was wrong on both counts.”

5 stars. Despite my opinion that the subject of politics can be dry and alternating parts boring and annoying, this book kept my interest.

8/31/2021 – 9/9/2021
… (más)
TraSea | 55 reseñas más. | Apr 29, 2024 |
I think Woodward did an excellent job of going behind-the-scenes and setting the stage for the players in the Trump administration. I got a better idea of the advisors and senior staff who had to work with the President daily and the struggles both sides had to contend with. Woodward's years of journalism are clear in this book as he simply lays things out as they are, uses quotes from 17 interviews with Trump as well as other interviews, and saves his own personal opinion for the epilogue.

I was prepared to be furious and frustrated with our administration at the end of this book. Instead I walk away with a better understanding of the challenges faced and the intricacies (and difficulties) of governing a country.… (más)
teejayhanton | 55 reseñas más. | Mar 22, 2024 |
In his 27 years at Goldman, Cohn had made billions for his clients and hundreds of millions for himself. He had granted himself walk in privileges to Trump's Oval Office, and the president had accepted that arrangement. On the desk was a one page draft letter from the president addressed to the president of South Korea, terminating the United States-Korea Free Trade agreement, known as KORUS. Cohn was appalled. For months Trump had threatened to withdraw from the agreement, one of the foundations of an economic relationship, a military and, most important, top secret intelligence operations and capabilities. Cohn removed the letter draft from the Resolute Desk. " I stole it off his desk," he later told an associate. "I wouldn't let him see it. He's never going to see that document. Got to protect the country. "… (más)
taurus27 | 130 reseñas más. | Mar 10, 2024 |



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