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H. M. WardReseñas

Autor de Damaged 1

111 Obras 2,559 Miembros 125 Reseñas 1 Preferidas


couldn't get into it
Renegadefx | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 21, 2023 |
Wow! The ending ... I was not expecting that >.
AnaCarter | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 15, 2023 |
This is going to be my review of The Arrangement series, since it is impossible to read a single book/installment and get anything worthwhile out of it.

I read my way through the entire series (plus Damaged, Life Before Damage, & Manwhore series). I’d like to say that it is really freaking annoying to have to pay $2.99 per book for 23 installments to get the whole story. Couldn’t they give a volume deal?

Anyway, this is the story of the eldest Ferro brother, Sean, who has been acquitted of the murder of his wife and child, broken ties with his family, stepped down as heir to the billion dollar family empire and let his personal demons consume him, and Avery, orphaned and broke college coed in desperate need of money.

This book was written via reader input as to the actions and choices of each character. Hopefully that is why I found Avery such an childish, whiny, delusional, selfish, spoiled, inflexible, petulant, destructive little shit.

All the other characters I enjoyed, found their behaviors relatively believable based on their backstory, their wound & lie, and plot.
But Avery was a mystery to me. Emotionally, socially (and sometimes intellectually) she seemed to be frozen in her early teens.

Spoiler-ish - She constantly compares her heartbreak over her parents’ death to Sean’s over the death of his pregnant wife. Sorry. No. Circumstances were very different firstly. And by the time people reach adulthood (18-19 ) a lot of us have experienced parental loss. It may be too soon, we grieve, but it is the natural order of things still. Nature assumes as adults we are moving on to our own lives, spouse, children. Which is what Sean grieves. His child’s life ended before it’s begun. Against natures plan, harder to reconcile.
Also the fact that she believes there is greater pride to be found as a call girl earning money than being Sean’s mistress and letting him pay her tuition and buy her things.
She keeps calling herself a call girl, whore etc tho she has only EVER had sex with one man - Sean. She hasn’t completed any of her other jobs. I think we need a ruling on whether she actually deserves the title of call girl.
Other ‘little’ things - she is constantly beating her fists on mens chests. Petulant much?
A dark, sexually twisted billionaire you’ve met for paid sex likes you, wants try to have some sort of relationship with you. What do you do? Agree to try out a situation for a set time period and if it works, can be fixed or give up? Or do you demand he marry you, a house with white picket fence and kids?
So self-centered, drama queen Avery ends up letting people around her die like flies while she contemplates every injustice life has ever tossed her way.
I wanted someone to torture her a little for the way she allowed Marty to suffer so much before finally killing him. Of course, if she could stop ruminating on every time someone has hurt her feelings she might have seen him for the friend he was and avoided killing him altogether.

Basically, she reminded me of my own spoiled, clueless, self-centered daughter when she was 13 ( without the sex and murder).

But I really loved the books. Next favorite series so far Life Before Damage
LHorton11 | Dec 19, 2020 |
dnf. too predictable. Don't want to read the sequel. Glad I got this for free.
readingbeader | 16 reseñas más. | Oct 29, 2020 |
Great book to read in an afternoon at the beach. Contrary to the cover, book is very tame. Picks up where first book left off. Good happily ever after ending.
Beth_German | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 28, 2020 |
Fast, easy read. Enjoyable story. Though the cover and description make it seem a little "smutty" there is actually no sex and only occasional language. Did run across a number of grammatical errors, typos, etc. Could have used a better editor, but for light reading, this fit the bill. I was stuck between giving it 3 or 4 stars but felt like erring on the side of generosity.
Beth_German | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 28, 2020 |
Avery is a college student, down on her luck. Trying to find a way to pay for college, she stumbles into a job offer as a call girl. Her potential 1st client, a hot guy that she keeps running into. Potential this book had...did it deliver no. It basically abruptly ended as if the author felt like that was enough and time to move on to another book. Very disappointing. I'd drop the stars but, the beginning/middle really did have potential.
sunnydrk | Jul 30, 2019 |
A great start to this serialization. I like how it builds and doesn't rush itself to get to the drama. As always, solid plot and character development from Ella Steele.

I admit that I wasn't completely sold on Anna as a character when we first met her. Her whole reason for botching the interview with Cole seemed bizarre to me. Perhaps I missed something in the book, but I didn't understand why she had to sabotage her interview with him if she was for sure going to get the job at the place she wanted. It just seemed to contradict who she was as a strong intelligent woman.

I'm excited to catch the next instalment!

Check out more spoiler-free book and series reviews on my blog as well as read book series recaps!

Full Review: TBP
seriesousbooks | Feb 7, 2018 |
Ugh...easy read if you're looking for nonsense. but I wouldn't waste my time

Why!? The first one was okay and ended in such a cliff hanger I had to get the next. But it went downhill from there. How EVERYTHING worked out the was so unbelievable. Especially after I put up with all the crap in the first half of it. was like it was phoned in and the book had to be finished so it was just thrown together.
magshugs | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 13, 2017 |
A very quick read, with a cliff hanger. Great set up for the series.
Sunshine22222 | 7 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2017 |
A very quick read, with a cliff hanger. Great set up for the series.
Sunshine22222 | 7 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2017 |
I enjoyed this in fairness im enjoying them all!
VictoriaJ1707 | 6 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
I am really enjoying this series but oh how i wish they were a little longer, its like a taster and i need more! :)
VictoriaJ1707 | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
Love these books, I always wish they were a tad longer but nonetheless they entertain me and I will be stalking Amazon for the next in the series :)

Just a little way into finding out about Bryan and we're thrown a curveball with regards to Hallie's best friend, what's going on there? Oh and how someone is high on the slap list grrrr Neil!

Looking forward to Book 3 and I hope it comes soon because I need to know, no really I NEED to know! Not joking, its essential I find out very soon!
VictoriaJ1707 | otra reseña | Jul 2, 2016 |
I've read all of Holly's books and have loved each and every one! This one made me cry, I'm sad I want a happy ending, but fear I'm not going to get it! Hallie and Bryan deserve a happy ending, Neil deserves a smacked upside his head! I grrr him!

I'm looking forward to Book 5 but also not because I don't want Hallie to be sad again and I don't want to be down one Ferro!!!

On another point completely - as an author I have to congratulate her on the attention she gives her fans, she keeps us updated, we know when to expect releases, she teases and often surprises! I could name several authors who should take a leaf out of her book and be as open and informative as she is especially when she's had her own personal trials and tribulations! Thank you Holly for keeping us fans happy :)
VictoriaJ1707 | Jul 2, 2016 |
I love all of Holly's books, love them, to choose a favourite would be like choosing a favourite niece or chocolate bar - not gonna even bother trying for a pointless exercise lol!

As another review has said often by book 3 you're like pah just dragging, stories getting a bit too dragged out, you know how it is! Not so with this one. This one has you speed reading then being gutted that its over! I'm not kidding, I need the next book asap, I need to know what happens!

We discover that Hallie is tough, she'll stick up for anyone she cares about, she's fiercely protective of Maggie and just wants to keep her friend safe and secure. Hallie finds out that Bryan is sick, she doesnt know what up but I have a feeling Bryan will have absolutely no chance but to accept Hallie's help, she's a bit like a dog with a bone when she loves someone and I believe she's still totally, hopelessly gone for him (and he is too)!

I hope he's fixable, I want him to be ok, I don't want Hallie to have any more tragedy! I just love the Ferro's and can't think about them with a Bryan shaped hole :(
VictoriaJ1707 | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
What can I say, I love the Ferros, all of them! These books are so good but seriously this one made me cry! He needed to be fixable, he can't go, we need him, Hallie needs him!!!!!!!!
VictoriaJ1707 | Jul 2, 2016 |
I know some readers complain about stories that are split into sequel, and if I'm honest there are some that I've given up on - not the case with this one! Been champing at the bit for part 13 and now I'm positively crawling the walls for part 14!

Story picks up with Sean and Avery and a large window, drama unfolds (as expected) then omg shocking discovery, I'm not happy with Sean but have a feeling it will all become clear shortly! I feel sorry for Avery, she's feeling uncertain but I think she should remain calm and wait.

The other thing of note with these books is that they're kinda the hub that all the other Ferro books link into/out of, yes you can just read The Arrangement if that's what you want but if you read the others learning about Sean's brothers Sean and Jonathan and his cousin Bryan and their friend rockstar Trystan Scott then it weaves a wonderful tapestry that will absorb you and if nothing else each and every character is spectacularly delicious.
VictoriaJ1707 | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
I wasn't disappointed, I'm often concerned especially when reading books that are serialised however thus far (and 14 books in) The Arrangement hasn't disappointed me at all.

Sean continues to be a complex character with many questions to answer, Avery continues to be troubled and confused with baggage.

I hope that Avery makes the right decision, I hope Mel gets a good life, I love the fact that we pick up snippets from the other Ferro's and Trystan Scott.

The only downside is that now i'm waiting for the next installment and I hope its not long away :)
VictoriaJ1707 | otra reseña | Jul 2, 2016 |
As installments go this was a little light on the Sean Ferro front that's a little sad. We do get a lot of Trystan and do see how they would gravitate towards each other! Avery... nawty nawty! One hot Ferro should be more than enough for any girl and finally I knew it was him I flamin just knew it!
VictoriaJ1707 | Jul 2, 2016 |
Ferros just keep getting better! Yummmmm
VictoriaJ1707 | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2016 |
Once again, Riley Hart hit me just right! For me, this lines up with Kelly and Nick in Abigail Roux's Shock and Awe. An absolute feel good love story...double POV, GFY, friends to lovers, little angst, hottie hot.

Phew. Just tasty! I fell in love with these two completely.

Just melt worthy. A definite re-read in my future.

Now onto Wes and Braden's story.

Thank you Momo!! *smooches*
JulieCovington | otra reseña | May 29, 2016 |
2.5 stars. I was assuming because there's a hot guy on the cover that it would mostly be about Peter... but the story revolved mostly around Sidney. There were parts I like and parts that were just okay. So, 2.5 for me. I'll read the next installment, but it's not on a priority... I'll get to it someday.
CrystalW | 16 reseñas más. | Dec 15, 2015 |
Well.... I'm going to go with 2 stars on this one. It was just okay for me. It had a killer beginning but then it just changed and then the story didn't do much for me after that. I don't think it's a bad story... I think a lot of people would enjoy it. YA books are really hit or miss with me... and this one was just a miss this time. I'm not interested enough to read more in the series.
CrystalW | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 15, 2015 |