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Arturo ToscaniniReseñas

Autor de Requiem

84+ Obras 253 Miembros 1 Reseña


Have only just obtained this book, but I have to comment immediately on the appalling low-resolution scans of the picture of Toscanini used by Faber on the dust jacket. If I had paid the full price (£30) for this book, I would be writing my letter of complaint to the publishers right now. The cover one is barely acceptable (at a distance), but the back cover uses an enlargement of the same scan and it is appalling, disgusting, dreadful, awful, painful! What incompetant at Faber thought it was a good idea or good design to use this? You who are are reading this review might think I'm making a lot out of very little, especially as I haven't read the book yet, but frankly, if you haven't seen it, you cannot imagine how bad, cheap and stupid it looks. Really.
RobertDay | Mar 3, 2010 |