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If this were divided into two books - one a cookbook and the other book preachy advice on turning your life around, the cookbook would probably gotten ****. The other would probably have been lucky to get * except that I wouldn't have wasted my time on it. As it is, having to wade through all the excess verbiage between recipes diminished the impact of the food ideas.½
MarthaJeanne | Jun 4, 2019 |
Daphne Oz is the daughter of Mehmet Oz, M.D., co-author of the You: The Owner’s Manual and You: On a Diet, among others. Despite coming from a family of health professionals, she struggled with her weight as a teen. When she left home to study at Princeton University, Oz took charge of her health and got into shape. In The Dorm Room Diet, she shares many of the strategies that she used to develop a healthy eating plan for herself. She writes having experienced many of the temptations and pitfalls of trying to stay healthy in the high-stress, junk food-ridden world of college life.

In The Dorm Room Diet, Oz first gives readers a basic lesson in nutrition, laying out the facts about what the body needs. Oz also provides tips on how to eat responsibly in college, even in situations that revolve around unhealthy foods, such as parties, late-night study sessions and sporting events. Additionally, there is an entire section devoted to creating a work-out plan. Oz ends her book with a section on effective stress-reducing activities and techniques, designed to help girls find a healthy outlet for school and social stress.

Although The Dorm Room Diet is intended for college-aged women, its casual and friendly style make it a good source of basic information on nutrition and fitness for high school students as well, particularly for those girls who have more freedom over what they eat and what they do for exercise. In fact, taking a look at this book before they leave home will give them the tools they need to manage their health without having their families there to guide them. Oz’s book is less about dieting than it is about learning how to make healthy choices when it comes to food and fitness. Accordingly, this diet is not a restrictive one.
elenaazad | Dec 15, 2010 |
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