Imagen del autor

Mick Jackson (1) (1960–)

Autor de The Underground Man

Para otros autores llamados Mick Jackson, ver la página de desambiguación.

10+ Obras 944 Miembros 44 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Créditos de la imagen:

Obras de Mick Jackson

The Underground Man (1997) 483 copias, 10 reseñas
Five Boys (2001) 135 copias, 5 reseñas
Ten Sorry Tales (2005) 129 copias, 2 reseñas
The Widow's Tale (2010) 81 copias, 14 reseñas
Yuki Chan in Brontë Country (2016) 56 copias, 10 reseñas
Bears of England (2009) 29 copias, 1 reseña
While You're Sleeping (2021) 18 copias, 1 reseña
Ella May Does It Her Way (2019) 9 copias, 1 reseña
We're Going Places (2021) 3 copias

Obras relacionadas

Perverted by Language: Fiction Inspired by The Fall (2007) — Contribuidor — 39 copias
Hebbes 5 (2002) — Contribuidor — 4 copias


Conocimiento común



I lost my husband earlier this year, and found this book comforting. I identified with the widow's feelings. The story was told in a way that made it universal -- it didn't matter how the husband had died; she could have been grieving any major loss.

But enough about me! Why should you read this? It's an engaging story. It's told from the widow's point of view, and she interacts with few people so it's largely a monologue of her thoughts, along with her behaviour. And that is done very well. The style fits the story and makes it very engaging. I liked the widow, she was strong but vulnerable; and she was quirky.

I liked that she wasn't rescued in the end. No knight in shining armour or fantastic best friend to save her. She was on her own, and she'll be okay...I think.

The book is written by a man speaking as a woman. I thought it was very well done and mused (yet again) about the arguments around authentic voice. By limiting ourselves, we would have missed this very good book.
… (más)
LynnB | 13 reseñas más. | Nov 16, 2023 |
REVIEW: This book is an adventure of night and all the things that happen when most of us are sleeping. This book is a way to create conversations with your young reader about all the roles that exist that make the world go round. Such a pretty book too! A super original and fun book!!!
Mrsmommybooknerd | Mar 5, 2021 |
Started well and finished well but I got bit impatient in the middle. About three quarters the way through I started to fantasise about a re-write where the protagonist was not identified as man or woman and her husband the same - so it could be marriage of 2 women, 2 men or mixed. I think the essential story of bereavement would work equally well with any of these and it would eliminate the rather trite gender stereotypes that interfere with the tale and expose the interesting dimensions of the book.… (más)
Ma_Washigeri | 13 reseñas más. | Jan 23, 2021 |
This book is absolutely lovely. It reads like a work of non-fiction - recounting the tales of bears and their presence in England in anecdotes - and it peppered with wit and whimsy. One of the reviews I read before picking this book up called it frustratingly short (perhaps they used the term "skimpy", I can't remember), but I disagree. I love that I could sit and read it in one night. It was like a brief reprieve from other books, to help reset my head for the next reading adventure.

This is the third Mick Jackson book I've read and he has not yet disappointed me. He's definitely on my list of favourite authors.… (más)
obtusata | Jan 9, 2020 |



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