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This book was not quite what I was looking for, though the essay, "The Immanent Internet Redux," by Bernie Hogan and Barry Wellman, supplied the following quote:

"The ethereal internet light that previously dazzled has now dimmed to a soft glow permeating everyday concerns. We have moved from a world of internet wizards to a world of ordinary people routinely using the internet. The internet has become an important part of people's lives, but not a special part. It has become the utility of the masses rather than the plaything of computer scientists. It has become the infrastructure for a variety of computer-supported communications media, and not just the specialized conveyor of e-mail, Facebook, or any specific digital medium" (57).

In addition, more rigorous proof-reading and editing would have contributed to a cleaner, clearer read of this collection.
resoundingjoy | Jan 1, 2021 |