Imagen del autor

Beth Ferry

Autor de Stick and Stone

35 Obras 2,508 Miembros 103 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Beth Ferry is an author who wrote Stick and Stone which made the New York Times Best Seller List 2015. (Bowker Author Biography)

Incluye el nombre: Beth Ferry


Obras de Beth Ferry

Stick and Stone (2015) 966 copias, 40 reseñas
The Scarecrow (2019) 303 copias, 7 reseñas
Stick and Stone: Best Friends Forever! (2021) 249 copias, 3 reseñas
Land Shark (2015) 150 copias, 6 reseñas
Swashby and the Sea (2020) — Autor — 114 copias, 5 reseñas
Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish (2019) 87 copias, 5 reseñas
Fox & Rabbit (2020) 77 copias, 6 reseñas
Pirate's Perfect Pet (2016) 50 copias, 2 reseñas
A Small Blue Whale (2017) 50 copias, 2 reseñas
The Umbrella (2023) 47 copias, 3 reseñas
Squirrel's Family Tree (2019) 46 copias, 2 reseñas
The Bold, Brave Bunny (2020) 39 copias
Stick and Stone Explore and More (2022) 37 copias, 4 reseñas
Sealed with a Kiss (2019) 33 copias, 3 reseñas
Marsha Is Magnetic (2021) 30 copias, 1 reseña
The Nice Dream Truck (2021) 26 copias
Stick and Stone on the Go (2023) 21 copias, 1 reseña
Fox & Rabbit Celebrate (Fox & Rabbit Book #3) (2021) 21 copias, 2 reseñas
We Believe in You (2020) 16 copias
No Nibbling! (2022) 15 copias, 1 reseña
Caveboy Crush (2019) 14 copias, 1 reseña
Tea Time (2021) 13 copias, 2 reseñas
The Christmassy Cactus (2023) 9 copias
Solar Bear (2024) 7 copias, 1 reseña
Prunella (2024) 4 copias
L’épouvantail (2020) 1 copia
Die Vogelscheuche (2022) 1 copia


Conocimiento común



"Swashby and the Sea" by Beth Ferry is a sweet story about a grumpy sailor who has retired and lives by the seashore. He doesn't like to socialize with others until one day, he gets new neighbors, and he is forced into interactions that a mysterious friend nudges along. The little girl and her grandmother, his new neighbors, bring joy and cheer to his life even when he tries his best to resist them. The pictures give a salty, windy beach vibe and give just enough hints of the mysterious third party facilitating these interactions. There is a good message for kids about staying open to new experiences and friendships, even when you feel like you don't want to have anyone near you. It could bring more happiness into your life if you keep your heart open to it. I felt for the characters, and it was heartwarming at the end.… (más)
slothatthelibrary | 4 reseñas más. | Jul 25, 2024 |
This picture book is about animal conservation. The poetry is rhyme-based and the verse on each page is short. The illustrations are initially dark but become brighter as the story progresses in a very visually striking way. It provides a spread at the end of the book about extinction and what can be done about it.
enjw | Jul 16, 2024 |
This is hella cute. Kudos for baking it mostly rhyme in Spanish, too! I liked challenging myself to see what the actual phrasing of the Spanish works be, since the translations are more the spirit than direct since they both have to rhyme.

I adore the art in here. Not only is the coloring and soft style gorgeous, but the paneling and page structure is so creative! I particularly like when Rock is searching for Stick and the page transitions to show the passage of time in panels. Rock's big roll down the hill is super fun as well! I never thought two dots on a line could express so much as did Stick's when he saw Rock about to land on him! Truly delightful. ☺️… (más)
Jenniferforjoy | Jan 29, 2024 |
This book would be good for intermediate students. This book is "Stick and Stone Explore and More" written by Beth Ferry, illustrated by Kristen Cella, published in 2022. This book Is a graphic novel about two best friends that are a stick and a stone that go on some adventures. They go on a scavenger hunt, they go to a campfire, and many more adventures and it feels like you are immersed in their world. I think this would be a great book to introduce kids to graphic novels and maybe for kids that don't like reading chapter books, I think this would be good for kids that want to read a funny, adventurous book.… (más)
kcochell23 | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 26, 2024 |



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