Imagen del autor

Eric Fan

Autor de The Night Gardener

9+ Obras 1,529 Miembros 94 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Créditos de la imagen: Eric Fan / photo credit Terry Fan

Obras de Eric Fan

The Night Gardener (2016) 611 copias, 30 reseñas
Ocean Meets Sky (2018) 342 copias, 21 reseñas
It Fell from the Sky (2021) 311 copias, 6 reseñas
The Barnabus Project (2020) 187 copias, 13 reseñas
Night Lunch (2022) 72 copias, 24 reseñas
Lizzy and the Cloud (2023) 2 copias
Festin de nuit (2024) 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

The Thing about Jellyfish (2015) — Ilustrador, algunas ediciones1,428 copias, 69 reseñas
The Darkest Dark (2016) — Ilustrador — 412 copias, 34 reseñas
The Scarecrow (2019) — Ilustrador — 303 copias, 7 reseñas
A Velocity of Being: Letters to a Young Reader (2018) — Ilustrador — 239 copias, 4 reseñas
The Antlered Ship (2017) — Ilustrador — 233 copias, 7 reseñas
The Lifters (2018) — Artista de Cubierta, algunas ediciones203 copias, 8 reseñas


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In a Nutshell: I liked the idea behind this book. I didn’t like the book. I found the content too dark for kids and the plot wasn’t structured well.

Barnabus is a failed project of a pet store. Half mouse and half elephant, he is kept in a glass jar in the basement storage along with the other hybrid misfits. When a cockroach tells Barnabus of the stars and rivers and other beauties of nature, Barnabus decides to escape. As he keeps saying, “nothing is impossible”. Will all the misfits succeed in escaping the dank basement and find freedom? Will they be allowed a chance at happiness despite their appearance? You need to read and find out.

This strange SFF type of story will evoke many emotions in you as Barnabus and his friends attempt to achieve their freedom. There is suspense and sadness and hope and happiness. The positive emotions come mainly in the second half but the end still leaves a bit of sadness and many unanswered questions.

The story is quite metaphorical, though I doubt younger kids might be able to see the deeper meaning of the content without adult guidance. The quest for perfection, the sad tendency of keeping strange things away from the public eye, the courage to follow your dreams regardless of what people say, the willingness to work with cooperation and team spirit, the belief in yourself and the determination to at least try… all are brought out pretty well in the story.

At the same time, I’m not really sure how it works as a children’s book because of its initial plot idea of keeping misfits in glass jars in the basement. (That’s scary for little kids!) Add to it the mention of genetically modified animals and of theirs being “recycled” if they aren’t perfect. I’m not really sure if this is the best way to introduce the idea of how foolish the quest for perfection can be. Also, the aim of the story seems to be how the trapped animals can be free. Barnabus’ purpose is to find freedom. But he is still disheartened that he isn’t “perfect”. But then he declares “I’m not perfect, but at least I am free!” What’s the idea behind that? How are the two things connected? I’m not very convinced about the handling of this particular aspect of the narrative.

The illustrations are extraordinary. Be it the perfect pets in the store of the misfits in the basement, every creature is drawn well and serves to increase your enjoyment. The artwork is the best part of the book.

To sum up, I partly like the concept but I don’t think it was executed well. I find most children’s books cute and/or heartwarming but this one did neither. Looking at the other gushing reviews, I certainly feel like I’m the outlier here, but it is what it is. :/

2.5 stars, rounding up because it’s a kiddie book and I hate being a Scrooge for children’s fiction.

My thanks to Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley for the ARC of “The Barnabus Project”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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RoshReviews | 12 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2024 |
A beautifully illustrated fantasy/dream story of a boy searching for his grandfather where the ocean meets the sky. The end pages are illustrations of clouds, the cover of the book itself is dark blue with copper illustrations of fish and sailing ships. Luscious. This is the sort of book I look for when I buy books for children. Something to ignite their imagination and give them wonder.
MrsLee | 20 reseñas más. | May 23, 2024 |
The text and illustrations carry the reader away into a fantasy world and suspenseful story that celebrates uniqueness and freedom. Barnabus lives in a bell jar deep in a lab with other “failed” perfect pet projects. Barnabus wonders about the world outside his jar and once he realizes he may be “recycled” into a perfect pet, he worries about losing his uniqueness and just wants to be himself. So, he decides it's time for an escape. With his little trunk and help from others, Barnabus and the “failed” pets set out to find freedom where they are accepted for who they are.

While some reviews suggested this book was too dark, I found the illustrations to compliment the surreal/fantasy feel of the setting. Give children some credit, not all readers may understand the message with one read, but this is a book is to be read again and again.
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AnnesLibrary | 12 reseñas más. | Jan 28, 2024 |
I thought this sweet and whimsical picture book offers an interesting perspective -- to look at an everyday object from a bug's point of view. Another review noted that most of the bugs are male except the ladybug and luna moth - I noted that as well while reading. I am also not sure about the anti-capitalist message (with the greedy spider) thrown in, but I did enjoy the introduction of "new" objects to the story. The illustrations are great - I enjoyed the use of color versus black & white illustrations.… (más)
AnnesLibrary | 5 reseñas más. | Jan 28, 2024 |



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