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Phyllis Curott is a spiritual trailblazer and Priestess, an attorney and bestselling author whose groundbreaking books have made Wicca accessible to the world and awakened an entire generation to the Goddess. She is Vice Chair Emerita of the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions and founder of mostrar más the Temple of Ara. mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Bruce Fields

Obras de Phyllis Curott

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Synopsis: This book gives a history of spell craft, as well as how to properly cast spells. There are also spells available in recipe format.
Review: Lots of interesting information, as well as the ethics of casting spells. The author recommends that a new practitioner practice with provided spells before making up his/her own.
DrLed | Dec 17, 2022 |
If you followed the roller coaster of my many status updates, you're probably just as confused as I am about such a high final rating. (Definitely check out my status updates and favorite quotes for more details about particular ideas.)

I don't agree with or even like a lot of things in this book. But I didn't read this book. I *studied* it. I *grappled* with it. I haven't done this much mental work on a book since college, maybe not even then, and I'm exhausted.

The conversations about sexuality, desire, repression, culture, self-esteem, self-respect, love, relationships, spirituality--each one of those words/ideas were explored in so many directions. Often in mind-blowing ways. Like Curott's Book of Shadows, this book exposes layers of hypocrisy and repression and BS we've internalized so much we don't even see them. It opened up ideas and ways of being I've never considered but would absolutely improve my life.

I have a zillion notes and things to think hard about for a long, long time. So while many things annoyed or angered or frustrated me, I feel changed as a result of this book, in a positive way.
… (más)
hissingpotatoes | otra reseña | Dec 28, 2021 |
My 2019 re-read of this book is probably properly 4 stars, but I first read this book in high school and the impact it had on me then bumps it up to 5 stars. I still find Curott's descriptions and journey beautiful to follow. Obviously I can't relate personally to many of her magickal experiences, her initiation process made me uncomfortable, and I'm still not sure of my own thoughts on divinity having binary masculine/feminine aspects. However, there's no doubt throughout the book of the impact Curott's experiences have on her life. She struggles with many questions but comes to conclusions that make sense. I especially like the way she lifts the veil on the absolute bullshit patriarchal society we're currently entrenched in.… (más)
hissingpotatoes | 11 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2021 |
This is the best book on witchcraft for beginners that I have ever read. It is not a simple spellbook, but goes into the emotion and spirituality behind the magic.
Gcleare | 11 reseñas más. | Oct 16, 2016 |

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