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In these days of internet marketing, it is imperative for any small business, even a traditional bricks and mortar store, to have a website or some sort of electronic presence. This book goes through the process, step by step, of doing just that.

Some parts of setting up a business website, especially with new software, can be done by the average individual, with a bit of training. The more technical parts need to be left to people who know what they are doing. A major sin is to have a vital part of your website not work at all, or look like it was done by someone who has never done this before, just to save money.

What are you going to sell on this brand new website? If you don’t already have a product or service, consider selling e-books. There is nothing to keep in stock; after you receive a person’s money, all it takes is a few clicks on your computer, and the product is "shipped." How do you get people to visit your website? The author talks about things like affiliate marketing, joint ventures with other websites, free electronic newsletters or magazines, among many other things. He also talks about how to make sure that when a person does a search for "widgets," for instance, that your site is at, or near, the top of the list.

The author includes the addresses for many, many websites that show the things mentioned in this book. He also includes many examples from his own internet marketing campaign, so that anyone can see how he did it.

This book may seem overwhelming; take a deep breath, and go one step at a time. For anyone selling on the internet, this book is not just worth reading. It’s worth keeping on your reference shelf, and making notes in, and marking pages with Post-It Notes. It’s worth the money.
plappen | Jan 26, 2008 |