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The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (2006)

por Lawrence Wright

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3,496813,761 (4.29)90
Veinte años después del 11-S, y diez de la muerte de Osama bin Laden, La torre elevada sigue siendo la mejor obra escrito sobre el auge del fundamentalismo islámico, la creación de al-Qaeda y los fallos de los servicios de inteligencia que culminaron en el atentado de las Torres Gemelas. Obra ganadora del Premio Pulitzer. «Literatura como verdad.» --Antonio Muñoz Molina La torre elevada narra la increíble historia de varios hombres cuyos destinos se entrecruzan y confluyen de forma dramática el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Con una precisión poco común, sustentada en más de quinientas entrevistas realizadas a lo largo de cinco años, nos describe el auge del fundamentalismo islámico, la creación de al-Qaeda y los errores cometidos por los confiados servicios de inteligencia que culminaron en el atentado de las Torres Gemelas. Lawrence Wright recrea de modo excepcional la transformación de Osama bin Laden y Ayman al-Zawahiri de combatientes idealistas e incompetentes en Afganistán a líderes del grupo terrorista más temido de la historia; y sigue de cerca a John O'Neil, jefe de la sección de contraterrorismo del FBI y uno de los pocos agentes estadounidenses que comprendió, ya en los años noventa, la magnitud de la amenaza que representaba dicha organización. Lleno de información, con una profunda perspectiva histórica, este es el mejor libro escrito sobre los orígenes de al-Qaeda y la muerte de Bin-Laden. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Pulitzer Prize winner book that inspired the Hulu series starring Peter Sarsgaard, Jeff Daniels, and Tahar Rahim. A gripping narrative that spans five decades, The Looming Tower explains in unprecedented detail the growth of Islamic fundamentalism, the rise of al-Qaeda, and the intelligence failures that culminated in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Lawrence Wright re-creates firsthand the transformation of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri from incompetent and idealistic soldiers in Afghanistan to leaders of the most successful terrorist group in history. He follows FBI counterterrorism chief John O'Neill as he uncovers the emerging danger from al-Qaeda in the 1990s and struggles to track this new threat. Packed with new information and a deep historical perspective, The Looming Tower is the definitive history of the long road to September 11. National Book Award Finalist Updated and with a New Afterword… (más)
  1. 40
    102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers por Jim Dwyer (peacemover)
    peacemover: Now that you have read who is behind 9/11 and why they did it, now read about the people in the towers- where they came from, and their struggles to survive.

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Very indepth reporting witha lot of background; book was a bit too detailed in parts ( )
  JosephKing6602 | Dec 1, 2023 |
The terrible tragic story of the development of modern Islamic terrorism, the results of poor communication between the CIA and the FBI, and the consequences we can obtain when ignorance and cruelty are combined with some widely held delusion. The ending is abrupt and makes the account even more tragic. The book was published in 2006, five years before OBL caught his. ( )
  markm2315 | Jul 1, 2023 |
Det här är en banbrytande skildring av människorna och idéerna, terroristplanerna och västerlandets misslyckanden som kulminerade med angreppet på USA. Lawrence Wrights bok är baserad på fem års research och hundratals intervjuer som han gjort i Egypten, Saudiarabien, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, England, Frankrike, Tyskland, Spanien och USA. ”al-Qaida och vägen till den 11 september” utgår från fyra män, vars liv och gärningar korsas: de två al-Qaida-ledarna Usama bin Laden och Ayman al-Zawahiri, FBI:s antiterrorchef John O’Neill och den förra ledaren för den saudiska underrättelsetjänsten, prins Turki al-Faisal. Författaren gräver djupt och analyserar skickligt sitt material. Allt eftersom avslöjas motströmningen inom islam som hjälpte till att radikalisera bin Laden och Zawahiri, al-Qaidas födelse, O’Neills hjältemodiga ansträngningar för att spåra al-Qaida före den 11 september och hans tragiska död i World Trade Center. Wright skildrar även FBI:s, CIA:s och NSA:s misslyckande att kommunicera om information som skulle kunna ha hindrat 11 september-attacken.
  CalleFriden | Feb 16, 2023 |
It has taken me this long to read any non-fiction books at all about 9/11, because I needed the distance from my memories of the actual event. I knew from living through it the basic facts of what happened on that day, but this book filled in a lot of holes about the months and years leading up to it. Well written and engaging, this book follows the history of al-Qaeda from its earliest days, explaining well the motivations and beliefs of both the leaders and the footsoldiers. It’s really terrifying to read about how much hate some people can hold inside of them for an entire lifetime, and even scarier because Trump has engaged similar people in the US today. Though disturbing, upsetting and at times heart-wrenching, this is a very good book. ( )
2 vota Anniik | Nov 26, 2022 |
Quando achávamos que o fim da Guerra Fria marcava o "fim da história" e a humanidade enfim viveria em paz, o atentado terrorista de 11/9 - o maior de todos os tempos - mergulhava o mundo em perplexidade. De repente, tomamos conhecimento de entidades e personagens até então desconhecidos: a Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, os campos de treinamento de terroristas no Afeganistão. Mas o que é a Al-Qaeda? Como surgiu? Aonde pretende chegar? Qual sua ideologia? Qual o papel dos serviços de inteligência americanos no caso? São estas perguntas que Lawrence Wright, através de um monumental trabalho de jornalismo investigativo (cinco anos de pesquisas e centenas de entrevistas no Oriente Médio, África, Europa e Estados Unidos), procura esclarecer neste livro exemplar. - 10 semanas na lista de best-sellers do New York Times;- Finalista do National Book Award 2006;- Segundo melhor livro de 2006 - Revista Time;- Um dos cinco melhores livros de não-ficção de 2006 - The New York Times Sunday Book ReviewEste e-book não contém as imagens presentes na edição impressa.
  bibliotecapresmil | Sep 8, 2022 |
Mostrando 1-5 de 79 (siguiente | mostrar todos)
A narrator doesn’t just tell a story; he keeps the listener company. Alan Sklar is good company—with a voice so distinctive that a blind man could pick him out from across the room.
añadido por readysetgo | editarAudiofile Magazine (Feb 1, 2007)
Wright, a New Yorker writer, brings exhaustive research and delightful prose to one of the best books yet on the history of terrorism.
añadido por readysetgo | editarPublishers Weekly (Aug 6, 2006)
In the nearly five years since the attacks, we’ve heard oceans of commentary on the whys and how-comes and what-it-means and what’s nexts. Wright, a staff writer for The New Yorker — where portions of this book have appeared — has put his boots on the ground in the hard places, conducted the interviews and done the sleuthing. Others talked, he listened. And so he has unearthed an astonishing amount of detail about Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Muhammad Omar and all the rest of them. They come alive.
Mr. Wright’s book, based on more than 500 interviews — ranging from Mr. bin Laden’s best friend in college, Jamal Khalifa, to Yosri Fouda, a reporter for Al Jazeera, to Richard A. Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism chief — gives the reader a searing view of the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, a view that is at once wrenchingly intimate and boldly sweeping in its historical perspective.
añadido por readysetgo | editarNew York Times, Michiko Kakutani (Aug 1, 2006)

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Nombre del autorRolTipo de autor¿Obra?Estado
Lawrence Wrightautor principaltodas las edicionescalculado
Sjögren, ÖrjanTraductorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado
Sklar, AlanNarradorautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado

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On Saint Patrick's Day, Daniel Coleman, an agent in the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation handling foreign intelligence cases, drove down to Tysons Corner, Virginia, to report for a new posting. The sidewalks were still buried under gray banks of snow from the blizzard of 1996 a few weeks before. Coleman entered an undistinguished government office tower called the Gloucester Building and got off the elevator at the fifth floor. This was AlecStation.

Other stations of the Central Intelligence Agency are located in the various countries that they cover. Alec was the first "virtual" station, situated only a few miles from the headquarters building in Langley. On an organization chart it was labeled "Terrorist Financial Links," a subsection of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, but in practice it was devoted to tracking the activities of a single man, Osama Bin Laden, whose name had arisen as the master financier of terror. -Prologue
In a first-class stateroom on a cruise ship bound for New York from Alexandria, Egypt, a frail, middle-aged writer and educator named Sayyid Qutb experienced a crisis of faith. "Should I go to America as any normal student on a scholarship, who only eats and sleeps, or should I be special?" he wondered. "Should I hold on to my Islamic beliefs, facing the many sinful temptations, or should I indulge those temptations all around me?" It was November 1948. The new world loomed over the horizon, victorious, rich, and free. Behind him was Egypt in rags and tears. The traveler had never been out of his native country. Not had he willingly left now. -Chapter 1, The Martyr
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Veinte años después del 11-S, y diez de la muerte de Osama bin Laden, La torre elevada sigue siendo la mejor obra escrito sobre el auge del fundamentalismo islámico, la creación de al-Qaeda y los fallos de los servicios de inteligencia que culminaron en el atentado de las Torres Gemelas. Obra ganadora del Premio Pulitzer. «Literatura como verdad.» --Antonio Muñoz Molina La torre elevada narra la increíble historia de varios hombres cuyos destinos se entrecruzan y confluyen de forma dramática el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Con una precisión poco común, sustentada en más de quinientas entrevistas realizadas a lo largo de cinco años, nos describe el auge del fundamentalismo islámico, la creación de al-Qaeda y los errores cometidos por los confiados servicios de inteligencia que culminaron en el atentado de las Torres Gemelas. Lawrence Wright recrea de modo excepcional la transformación de Osama bin Laden y Ayman al-Zawahiri de combatientes idealistas e incompetentes en Afganistán a líderes del grupo terrorista más temido de la historia; y sigue de cerca a John O'Neil, jefe de la sección de contraterrorismo del FBI y uno de los pocos agentes estadounidenses que comprendió, ya en los años noventa, la magnitud de la amenaza que representaba dicha organización. Lleno de información, con una profunda perspectiva histórica, este es el mejor libro escrito sobre los orígenes de al-Qaeda y la muerte de Bin-Laden. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Pulitzer Prize winner book that inspired the Hulu series starring Peter Sarsgaard, Jeff Daniels, and Tahar Rahim. A gripping narrative that spans five decades, The Looming Tower explains in unprecedented detail the growth of Islamic fundamentalism, the rise of al-Qaeda, and the intelligence failures that culminated in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Lawrence Wright re-creates firsthand the transformation of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri from incompetent and idealistic soldiers in Afghanistan to leaders of the most successful terrorist group in history. He follows FBI counterterrorism chief John O'Neill as he uncovers the emerging danger from al-Qaeda in the 1990s and struggles to track this new threat. Packed with new information and a deep historical perspective, The Looming Tower is the definitive history of the long road to September 11. National Book Award Finalist Updated and with a New Afterword

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