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por Benedict Jacka

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Series: Alex Verus (3)

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6522036,520 (3.96)12
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. This time last year, I could go weeks without seeing another mage. In mage society I was an unknown and, all in all, that was how I liked it. It's hard to say what changed. Whatever it was, I got involved in the magical world again and started getting myself a reputation. Alex Verus's insights into the future used to be the best-kept secret in London. Now, with the aid of his apprentice, Luna, his unique investigative talents are all the rage. He just has to be careful about picking his employers, because everyone-even the beautiful woman who practically begs him to run security for a prestigious tournament-has motives that can be hard to predict. And Alex doesn't do unpredictable. But his latest gig just might be impossible. Apprentices have been vanishing without a trace-and someone on the Council could be involved. Alex has no evidence, no witnesses, and no suspects. All he knows is that someone is keeping tabs on him. And after assassins target Luna's classmate, Alex sees that he doesn't know the half of it-and that he could be the next to disappear.… (más)

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Apprentices and adepts are going missing and there's concern it's deliberate. Alex is worried about Laura, and so helps investigate. ( )
  reading_fox | Jun 3, 2023 |
Galdramaðurinn Verus er orðinn óþægilega áberandi í galdrasamfélaginu. Hann hefur verið ánægðastur sem óþekktur utangarðsmaður enda eru hæfileikar hans ekki mikið til að hrópa húrra yfir. Hann er sérhæfður í að sjá fyrir framtíðina og á því stöðugt í miklum vandræðum þegar hann lendir upp á kant við öflugari töframenn sem beita eyðileggingu og öðrum kraftmeiri göldrum fyrir sig. Hann hefur hins vegar náð að sigrast á sér öflugri andstæðingum og því eru fleiri farnir að veita honum athygli sem er ekki af hinu góða.
Í þessari sögu er hann fenginn til rannsókna á hvarfi margra ungra galdranema sem virðast vera að hverfa sporlaust. Á sama tíma á hann í megnustu vandræðum með sinn eigin nema. Hvorugt kann vel við kennsluna og eru bæði jafn ókunnug svona samstarfi sem gengur vægast sagt brösuglega.
Jacka heldur hér áfram að skapa heimsmynd galdra í nútímasamfélagi af hugkvæmni og er flottur spennusagnahöfundur. ( )
  SkuliSael | Apr 28, 2022 |
I really like Alex. He's not a nice guy (his own admission), but he's also thrown into situations where he doesn't have much choice in the matter. His apprentice Luna is coming along nicely and the world that they occupy is interesting.

I want to see Alex Verus and Harry Dresden [assuming Dresden survives Mab, of course] in the same book. That'd be quite the combo!

[Edited to add] This series is better on the second reading.

[Edited to add 28 July 2014] Really good in audio format too. ( )
  fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
An excellent series, at home and comfortable with my favorites in urban fantasy -- Verus is a mage who has held himself apart from the magical community, but pulls out some badass skills as needed. I like the world, the character, his fascinating power and the non-stop action. I'm a big fan of the detective aspect as well. Yep, still loving it. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
It's a good Dresden style fantasy series. Looking forward to the next book. ( )
  richvalle | Jul 11, 2021 |
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Benedict Jackaautor principaltodas las edicionescalculado
Lagerman, JudithDiseñador de cubiertaautor secundarioalgunas edicionesconfirmado

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The Starbucks in Angel is on the corner of the busy intersection of Pentonville Road and Upper Street, set deep into the offices around it with a glass front that lets in the light. The counter's at ground level, but climbing to the second floor gives a view down onto the high street and the crowds streaming in and out of Angel station. Opposite the Starbucks is Angel Square, a huge, sprawling, weirdly designed building checkered in orange and yellow and topped with a clock tower. The clock tower looks down onto City Road, a long downhill highway linking Kings Cross and the City. It was eleven A.M. and the morning rush was long past, but the roads and sidewalks were still crowded, the steady growl of engines muffled through the glass.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. This time last year, I could go weeks without seeing another mage. In mage society I was an unknown and, all in all, that was how I liked it. It's hard to say what changed. Whatever it was, I got involved in the magical world again and started getting myself a reputation. Alex Verus's insights into the future used to be the best-kept secret in London. Now, with the aid of his apprentice, Luna, his unique investigative talents are all the rage. He just has to be careful about picking his employers, because everyone-even the beautiful woman who practically begs him to run security for a prestigious tournament-has motives that can be hard to predict. And Alex doesn't do unpredictable. But his latest gig just might be impossible. Apprentices have been vanishing without a trace-and someone on the Council could be involved. Alex has no evidence, no witnesses, and no suspects. All he knows is that someone is keeping tabs on him. And after assassins target Luna's classmate, Alex sees that he doesn't know the half of it-and that he could be the next to disappear.

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