book-related food (for fun)

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book-related food (for fun)

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Jul 29, 2010, 4:30 pm

We are wanting to have a library workers' get-together to celebrate getting all our church library books entered into LT and reorganizing them on the shelf -- we have been working for over a year. I was trying to think of book-related food, just to make it fun. The only things we have come up with so far are a cake decorated to look like an open book, gummy worms for bookworms, and blueberries for "liberries" (can you tell I'm from the South?). Any suggestions?

Ago 3, 2010, 8:33 am

you could go with food from the titles of books -- e.g. sliced tomatoes from Truelove and Homegrown Tomatoes or sweet tea from Sweet Tea and Jesus Shoes. check your shelves for titles.

Ago 4, 2010, 11:45 pm

Bread would be a good focus given the many references to this staple in the Bible, and you could range from unleavened breads to sweet breads. Using 2 Sam. 17:29 as a text, you could serve bread with honey and cheese.

Then you could go with the many books that focus on the fruits of the spirit and have a tray with many kinds of fruit, especially those mentioned in the Bible--apples, grapes, pomegranates, figs. Grapes and vines could be a specific display too.

This sounds like a fun event; I'll bet if you try searching for key words (not just tags) like "bread," "wine," "grape," "apple," etc., you'll be surprised at what might already be lining your shelves!

Oct 4, 2013, 4:54 pm

That sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for the idea!