Special Sauce

CharlasLingua Latina

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Special Sauce

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Mar 9, 2007, 9:59 pm

I'd been thinking that it would be nice to fit "garum" into a translation of "special sauce recommendations," and I noticed the phrase "nobile ... garum" in Martial XIII. It just seemed perfect. I didn't think it necessary to translate "recommendations" as the phrase would become too cumbersome, and the metaphor was clear in context.

Mar 24, 2007, 9:49 am

Thecardiffgiant: "Nobile garum"? I like it!

Mar 26, 2007, 11:33 am

>1 thecardiffgiant:

I think "garum" or "nobile garum", though using Latin words indeed, 'd rather be (American) English, still, for it is a literal translation of an expression that cannot be translated (nor understood, for that matter) when out of context. Not being an American myself, I had to ask what "special sauce" was meant to mean--for to me, it didn't mean anything at all and I couldn't imagine what purpose it had.

Thus, AFAIK, unless one knows what "special sauce" means--in English that is--one has got not clue about the meaning of any literal translation of those words. "Special sauce" is not that much about language as it is about a specific culture. YMMV.

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