CharlasDepression and Anxiety: Books That Help

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Ago 27, 2009, 4:42 pm

Do you get IBS with your depression? Its like if its not bad enough to feel sad and despondent but to be unwilling to stray to far from a toilet adds insult to injury. I have pills that help but I still feel ...unsure of myself all day

Ago 27, 2009, 5:09 pm

Only when my depression changes my eating habits. There are times when I don't want to eat, or only want to eat junk. That that starts throwing everything off. *sigh*

Ago 27, 2009, 10:18 pm

Not my normal depression but if the anxiety makes its point... oh yes! Even when I'm not actually anxious in myself about something, travelling being a case in point...

Peppermint tea, by the way. Also get in a stock of mint sweets (candy) with peppermint oil in (tic tacs, polos - but not all do) and carry them round to have at the first signs... good luck!

Oct 4, 2009, 5:21 pm

peppermint huh? Good tip.

Well I think all the stress I've been under is finally boiling over, I've had three panic attacks and a session of IBS in the past week, the worst last night. I guess it doesn't help that for my birthday I decided to have some whiskey. I KNOW I can't drink any , anymore (I used to drink occasionally but started getting sick) but I felt maybe just one.....and all day I've been sick and in tears and trying to get on with things, but still The panic and anxieity are starting to overwelm me now! Just when things are looking better. Jims GBS is almost gone, he's been working a bit and getting stronger. I finally got a job. Why do I feel this now?

Oct 5, 2009, 10:10 am

Well I find that IBS, migraines, that stuff often hit when things get better. Migraines are known for it actually. I have had IBS and acne flareups due to an extremely stressful time just recently - I wonder if feeling vile from them contributes to my depression, rather than the other way around...

Hope you feel better soon. Have you got a set of Looking After PollySmith things to do when depression hits? (nice bath bubbles, hour in bed, run...), I do find that helps.

Oct 9, 2009, 7:18 pm

thats a nice idea, I need to develope a set of those!

Oct 10, 2009, 2:33 am

Oh good - hope that helps. if you need to, write them down somewhere you can find them if you need them in a hurry, so you don't need to think, just go into Looking After Polly mode. Take care!