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Ene 10, 2007, 7:59 pm

Although there are a few groups on LT dedicated to booze and drinking, there was, strangely, none focusing on the creation of said drinks and the books of recipes/techniques/etc that help the noble brewer to that end... hence this group.

Personally, I am relatively new to this hobby and not incredibly experienced or knowledgeable yet, having been turned onto it through involvement in the Society for Creative Anachronism (www.sca.org) starting about a year ago. My interests are in both modern homebrewing and historic brewing (that's the SCA part).

Applicable tags in my library are currently: brewing, brandies, liqueurs, cordials

2CarlosMcRey Primer Mensaje
Ene 12, 2007, 8:32 pm

Do you mostly brew or make liqueurs? I started out making liqueurs but then tried my hand at brewing and became hooked on it. I tried my hand at a few traditional/experimental styles (kummis, masato) but nowadays stick mostly to beers and meads.

Ene 19, 2007, 11:50 pm

I started with liqueurs as they're easily to do (at least simple ones) without much in the way of equipment. I've done a few beers and meads so far and helped/learned by working with other people as well, but not too much yet. As I said, I'm pretty new to this. I keep meaning to go get more honey for some more mead.... Need to get on that. I'm in an apartment with an electric stove (which sucks for trying to get any good amount of temperature control), so that's slowed me down a bit too. Can't wait to get into a house with a driveway and hook up a nice propane burner or something.