Turning to cash

CharlasDepression and Anxiety: Books That Help

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Turning to cash

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Dic 19, 2006, 7:42 pm

Johnny Cash, that is:

A little shoeshine boy, he never gets lowdown
But he’s got the dirtiest job in town
Bendin’ low over people’s feet
On a windy corner of a dirty street
Well I asked him while he’d shine my shoes,
“How do you keep from gettin’ the blues?”
He grinned as he raised his little head
He popped a shoeshine rag and then he said,
Get rhythm, when you get the blues,
Come on, get rhythm when you get the blues.
Yes a jumpin rhythm make you feel so fine
It’ll shake all the trouble from your worried mind
Get rhythm
When you get the blues...

Dic 25, 2006, 2:21 am

I love this quote. Thank you.