Who are you?

Charlas30-something LibraryThingers

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Who are you?

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Oct 20, 2008, 3:37 am

I am curious. So tell me something about yourself!

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..)

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?

One thing you are proud of about yourself?

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?

Favourite food?

Favourite beverage?

There. A few random questions.

Oct 20, 2008, 5:17 am

OK, I guess I can't just ask and not answer!

I like to read fantasy and romance, and history, fact and fiction. I find it very very hard to narrow it down to one (or a few) authors, let alone books, that's why I gave room for interpretation in this question! I have recently read Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy, so that would be my favourite book right now.

Favourite color: dark green

Hobbies: reading (nobody could guess that one, I'm sure), writing letters, I travel as often as I can and
I sing in a choir

I am proud that I always want to learn new things.

I would like to have better memory, if I could change something about myself.

I love lasagna. And dark chocolate.

The beverage is actually a difficult question. I will answer tea.

Oct 20, 2008, 8:02 am

What do you like to read? history, linguistics, fantasy

What's your favourite color? blue

What are your hobbies? reading(!), sports, crochet, cross stitch

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I never litter.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd like to have straight hair.

Favourite food? pecan pie

Favourite beverage? water

Oct 20, 2008, 9:19 am

Reading? Romance, mystery and horror

Favorite Color? blue

Hobbies? Reading, travel (when possible), camping

One thing I am proud of? I am a good listener

Change? Willpower. I lack it severely.

Food? Chocolate

Beverage? Diet Pepsi (my vice)

Oct 20, 2008, 10:52 am


What do you like to read?
Horror, mysteries, fables and a smidge of sci-fi.

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?
Drawing, painting and annoying others.

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
I can juggle!

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
Cut down on the sarcasm.

Favourite food?
Pasta - mmmm carbs.

Favourite beverage?
Green tea

Oct 21, 2008, 7:27 am

What do you like to read? Florida mysteries. Big John D. MacDonald and Randy Wayne White fan. I also like Buddhist literature and submarine novels.

What's your favourite color? I tend to be a yellow kind of guy, but pretty greens also get my blood pumping.

What are your hobbies? I'm a Star Wars costumer and member of the 501st Legion. Reading is a big hobby.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I managed to stay out of juvenile hall in my youth.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Lose the pesky 25 lbs. that I've been working on losing for the past 7 months. Either that or put on enough muscle to justify the weight.

Favourite food? I don't really have one. I guess I prefer Thai food, hot. Very hot.

Favourite beverage? Single Malt Scotch. Islay. 12 year or older.

Oct 22, 2008, 7:59 am

What do you like to read? Mostly just Russian literature, that's 75% of it. Once a year I read one each of the following (not on purpose, it just turns out that way): business book, novel by African author, contemporary American fiction, something by either Thomas Pynchon or William Vollmann. Right now I am in the midst of the unabridged four volume Gulag Archipelago.

What's your favourite color? dark green

What are your hobbies? Woodworking, reading, writing book reviews, but mostly playing with my sons, weightlifting

One thing you are proud of about yourself? Everything! This year I am succeeding at my #1 goal (let's leave it at that)...

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Be more circumspect when bickering with my wife.

Favourite food? Pasta

Favourite beverage? Water with lots of lemon juice.

Thanks for reaching out and writing this, some of the groups are pretty laid back in terms of conversations so it's good to see some discussion. Soon I'll be 40 and will have to leave this august circle so I wouldn't want to leave anything unsaid...

Oct 25, 2008, 9:48 am

So glad to see some answers to my questions!

Oct 25, 2008, 10:06 am



Oct 25, 2008, 12:14 pm

What do you like to read? Jonathan Franzen, Orhan Pamuk, Carmen Martin Gaite, Vladimir Nabokov, Italo Calvino, W.G. Sebald, John McGahern, James Joyce, sad Russians,...

What's your favorite color? green

What are your hobbies? gym-going, foreign/indie films, foreign languages

One thing you are proud of about yourself? The bastards still haven't gotten me down.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Get more involved, activism-wise

Favorite food? A high-quality salad

Favorite beverage? Water, hot tea

Editado: Nov 4, 2008, 7:57 am

It's so interesting to see what a diverse set of interests there are here! Great idea :-)

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..) I read a lot of different stories. My traditional favorites are fantasy and romance so we'll go with that. My favorite books this year, if not ever, are the Nightrunner books by Lynn Flewelling.

What's your favourite color? green

What are your hobbies? reading, watching anime, hanging out with my 8 y.o.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I wrote two books :-) They were self-published and not widely read but they had some nice feedback which makes me happy.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? LOSE WEIGHT. I guess that could also lead into the sub-desire of having more self-control.

Favourite food? It varies daily. My primary vices are dark chocolate and pizza.

Favourite beverage? coffee

Nov 6, 2008, 12:14 pm

Let's see. I used to read a lot more fiction, but I've mostly been stuck on either foodie stuff or music (mostly 70s-00s alt/indie/punk criticism/bio/discussion) over the last year or two.

Besides reading, I love sports (baseball, football, basketball, hockey, English league soccer), collecting concert posters, listening to music, rummaging through flea markets and thrift stores, drinking and playing bar trivia. wheeeee.

Favorite food? That's hard to nail down. Maybe a good greasy burger or a plate of carbonara. Favorite beverage is hard to nail down too - coffee, Thai iced tea, Green River, cheap Miller Lite. Cigarettes are another horrible vice.

Nov 6, 2008, 4:46 pm

What do you like to read? literary fiction, the classics, history and science. Mostly British and US fiction, but I'm trying to expand my horizons.

What's your favorite color? blue

What are your hobbies? reading, running, watching movies (old movies and foreign films especially), wine-tasting, complaining about grad school

One thing you are proud of about yourself? just a couple months away from my PhD... it's so close I can almost taste it.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd be less of a procrastinator (LT does not help)

Favorite food? cheeseburger, medium rare

Favorite beverages? good coffee, skim milk, and Schlafly (local microbrewery) APA beer. Separately, of course.

Nov 7, 2008, 11:35 am

hooray for red, red meat

Nov 12, 2008, 4:42 pm

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..) A good page turning fiction story. Doesn't really matter the genre

What's your favourite color? Red, Black, Green, Blue

What are your hobbies? Reading (of course.), Writing, bird Watching, wood working

Favourite food? Beef. Its what's for dinner... provided its not still mooing.

Favourite beverage? Soda: Cocoa Cola, Fruit Juice: V8 Fusion, Tea: Honest Tea Honey Lemon

Nov 17, 2008, 1:37 pm

What do you like to read?
Lately I've been enjoying YA and Memoirs. I love Scott Westerfeld and Libba Bray - those two make me laugh so much.

What's your favourite color?
royal blue

What are your hobbies?
reading, scrapbooking, card making. I'm not very good at the card making or scrapbooking, but I really love it.

Favourite food?
the husband is a fantastic cook, he makes the best fettuccini alfrado that I've ever tasted.

Favourite beverage?
Dr. Pepper and Unsweet tea with Lemon.

Funnest teenage memory?
My friend and I snuck out of her bedroom window and went joy riding with some other friends - it was so much fun.

4 dogs and 5 cats, we have a problem with fostering and then letting go.

Nov 30, 2008, 5:10 pm

What do you like to read? I like to read detective fiction (especially British detectives), mysteries, and funny things by the likes of Wodehouse, Thurber, Jerome and others. I'm also addicted to cookbooks.

What's your favourite color? Maroon.

What are your hobbies? Music, photography, cooking.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I'm polite. Wait, that sounds rude to say that you are polite, doesn't it?

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd be more adventurous.

Favourite food? Southern cookin'.

Favourite beverage? Coffee or sweet tea or good wine.

Ene 3, 2009, 7:15 am

Hi everyone. I'm new to this group and thought this thread might be a good way to introduce myself.

What do you like to read? nonfiction - my brain wants to soak up everything about everything

What's your favourite color? red

What are your hobbies? reading (duh), traveling (though it has slowed down considerably since my son was born a year ago), choosing a topic and researching it to death

One thing you are proud of about yourself? my open-mindedness

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd like to relax more

Favourite food? sushi

Favourite beverage? foo-foo coffee drinks

Ene 10, 2009, 11:12 am

What do you like to read? Just about everything; fiction, speculative fiction, pulp noir, memoirs, history, sociology. Only thing I don't read much of is YA fiction.

What's your favourite color? Green.

What are your hobbies? Blogging, hanging out with my dogs, hiking.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I spent six years working in animal shelters, five of them involved in anti-cruelty investigations.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd like to exercise more.

Favourite food? Lobster. I don't eat it often, but....

Favourite beverage? Non-alcoholic: cranberry juice Alcoholic: Laphroaig.

Editado: Ene 14, 2009, 7:49 pm


What do you like to read?
Serious stuff.

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?
Painting (acrylic on canvas) and playing guitar (well, collecting, really)

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
I made it to age 33. ;)

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
Practicing what I preach

Favourite food?

Favourite beverage?
Diet Coke!

Feb 6, 2009, 10:42 am

Hi all. I will, unfortunately and by no choice of my own, be forced to leave the group soon. :-( So, while I'm still eligible:

What do you like to read? Cyberpunk/alt reality, "classics", dark/gothic, dystopic society, fiction books about books, and much more. Teaching middle school has gotten me to read some great YA works which I can then recommend to my students.

What's your favourite color? Black (see above, no surprise there)

What are your hobbies? Reading, travel, finding warm places and swimming or snorkeling, rediscovering a love of movies

One thing you are proud of about yourself? A willingness to try new things

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Not get in my own way

Favourite food? Ethiopian food, Indian food, cakey-/brownie-type sweet things with lots of real whipped cream and real hot fudge and drizzles of liqueur and things like that.

Favourite beverage? Honestly, quality tap water or tropical juices. Also like Orange Columbo and Amarula (not together. that'd just be icky).

Feb 6, 2009, 11:18 am

I as well will be leaving in July. That's if birthdays aren't cancelled by then!

Feb 25, 2009, 1:35 pm

What do you like to read?
Literary fiction, the classics, popular science, history, cozies, fantasy

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?
uh... reading. Cooking and hiking, too.

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
I've read War and Peace twice.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
Be more family oriented.

Favourite food?

Favourite beverage?

Editado: Feb 25, 2009, 4:00 pm

What do you like to read?
Magic realism, philosophy-fiction (eg Kundera); existenialist writing, short stories, plays, the classics from around the world and world literature generally

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, music, theatre, art, drinking, dancing and an annual ski trip

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
I learnt Latin in two months because I really wanted to study a particular paper at university - madness, but I did it!

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
I would like to be the sort of person that converts their intentions into action more often.

Favourite food?

Favourite beverage?
A nice glass of red wine.

Dic 30, 2009, 9:09 am

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..) I read a lot of literary fiction. I also like well-researched and brainy historical fiction and slipstream.

What's your favourite color? ~ I don't have one, though I tend to gravitate towards the oceany colors like blue, purple, and green. But some things are irresistible in reds and oranges.

What are your hobbies? I collect perfume oils from a select few companies and knit.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I can find beauty in almost anything.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I wish I didn't feel things so drastically and deeply. My temper and insecurities can be set off by this.

Favourite food? I don't really have one of these, either. I can't imagine being denied anything.

Favourite beverage? I love wine, though I often have vodka & club soda when I go out. For a non-alcoholic beverage, I like grapefruit or berry fizzy water.

Editado: Ene 10, 2010, 8:33 pm

What do you like to read? Fantasy, Anne Bishop, Black Jewel Trilogy, Mercedes Lackey, Valdemar Series, Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time Series, Robert Marston Fannèy Luthiel's Song and many more.

What's your favourite color? Blue

What's your favourite pet? A Dog

What are your hobbies? Reading, Camping, Gardening, Hiking.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I'm a good mom, didn't want any ended up with two.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'd find the time to exercise.

Favourite food? Garlic Tetrazzini Chicken, with mushrooms and tomatoes

Favourite beverage? Tea of all kinds I prefer Celestial Seasonings.

Ene 31, 2010, 3:48 am

Quick "flag abuse" I am about to let rip in answer to these questions...

Ene 31, 2010, 5:56 am

Este mensaje fue borrado por su autor.

Feb 1, 2010, 8:06 pm

What an interesting thread! Couldn't resist...

What do you like to read? Historical fiction -- mostly Brit lit, victorian, mysteries, Arthurian, Amer. Civil War, ancient warfare, period. etc etc

What's your favourite color? White (trick answer -- white is the presence of all colors, and who can pick one?) silver, pale pink, cornflower blue, mossy green

What are your hobbies? Reading, obviously, flower-gardening, needlework, cat and bird observing, painting and drawing (when I have time which is never right now)

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I'm in Ezekiel of the KJV of the Bible, which means I might actually finish it by this summer! Not bad for two chapters a day. Or something like that.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Procrastination.

Favourite food? Chocolate. My mother's cooking.

Favourite beverage? Coffee. Ice water.

Feb 27, 2010, 3:45 pm

What do you like to read? Fiction lots of American stuff but some of my favourites are Canadian

What's your favourite color? Red and green

What are your hobbies? Reading, films, photography but mainly entertaining Ralphy the cocker spaniel.

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I used to be able to type braille

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Develop some superpowers a la Heroes

Favourite food? Sushi - yum yum

Favourite beverage? Hot chocolate and bloody mary - not in the same glass

Mar 18, 2010, 7:37 pm

Just joined the group today...

What do you like to read? Classics/great literature and history mostly, a little historical fiction and philosophy too. Love cookbooks although I rarely stick to any recipe as its written.

What's your favourite color? Red and purple, can I have both.

What are your hobbies? Reading and collecting books of course, genealogy, trying to learn German, cooking, watching old movies

One thing you are proud of about yourself? Veteran

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I easily get side-tracked away from my books by old movies. Bad Audrey Hepburn bad!

Favourite food? Dark chocolate and just about anything that someone can produce, only if slaved over in the kitchen with fresh ingredients however.

Favourite beverage? The darker the ale or lager the better, and really good coffee.

Mar 26, 2010, 1:29 pm

Hi, I'm Rachel and I just joined this group today.

What do you like to read?
I like to read just about anything. I tend to fall back on Stephen King a lot but any good fiction will do, no matter the genre.

What's your favourite color?

What are your hobbies?
Reading and watching movies! I also love being outside with my kids in the summer.

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
I'm really open-minded and I have always been able to see and understand both sides of a situation.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
I have no will power---no matter how hard I try to eat right and excercise, it never lasts long.

Favourite food?
Italian-and I love pizza

Favourite beverage?
Good old ice water-or lemonade (Newman's Own is my favorite brand)

Abr 4, 2010, 7:43 pm

Hi- this looks fun!

Like to read- books about peoples lives, especially 'normal' peoples lives (ie- The Corrections, The Sportswriter, Red Earth and Pouring Rain......)

Colour- I love colourful things, (but mainly wear black in the face of people who assert that I should be wearing colour)

Hobbies- books (having, reading, talking about and looking at), art (looking at and making), music (listening to and going to), the outdoors (camping, walking), children (my one and other peoples ones), food (see below!), movies

Proud of- being able to do a handstand for ages

Food- savoury, then sweet then repeat, ending the cycle if possible with chocolate

Beverage- coffee, all the way. Big strong milky coffee.

Jul 8, 2010, 1:09 pm

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..) I read a little bit of everything but I love sc-fi, fantasy and historical fiction.

What's your favourite color? purple

What are your hobbies? reading, sleeping (yes, sleeping can be a hobby, it makes me happy)

One thing you are proud of about yourself? I can read people pretty well--can't fool me!

What would you like to change about yourself if you could? I'm a pessimist.

Favourite food? Lately, anything home-cooked.

Favourite beverage? Dr. Pepper

Feb 28, 2011, 3:37 am

What do you like to read? (Genre,author,favourite book, whatever comes to your mind..)
- I read too many books, in every genres, in different languages, with different authors.

What's your favourite color?
- deep blue

What are your hobbies?
- jewellery craft, cookery.

One thing you are proud of about yourself?
- the fact that I can read in a few languages.

What would you like to change about yourself if you could?
- my wardrobe.

Favourite food?
- at the moment, homemade Japanese gyozas.

Favourite beverage?
- green tea