Laura Warholic

CharlasAmerican Postmodernism

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Laura Warholic

Este tema está marcado actualmente como "inactivo"—el último mensaje es de hace más de 90 días. Puedes reactivarlo escribiendo una respuesta.

Editado: Jun 24, 2008, 8:14 pm

Laura Warholic - Amazon is suddenly unloading this recently released and long awaited hardcover for $5.95 if anyone cares to click on over...

Ago 31, 2011, 10:55 pm

Just saw your post (3+ years later!), and ordered our copy -- $3.98 and free, 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime. Thank you, slickdpdx!!

Sep 1, 2011, 1:58 pm

You are welcome. I may even get around to reading it toward the end of this very year!

Editado: Sep 1, 2011, 4:34 pm

Oh, well! Last I recall (at least re: AT) I was immersed in one of his three Primary Colors essays, and -- inexplicably -- wandered back to Three Wogs without finishing PC (yet). Always something to look forward to, or sideways, or backwards ... .

Sep 6, 2011, 12:20 am

If you need an excuse, I think some friends and I will be reading, and remarking, starting about Dec. 1 in The cult of Alex Theroux group here.

Sep 6, 2011, 9:44 am

No excuses! What I need is a link. Would TCAT be a new group, or a revival and extension of this (formerly dormant) AP group?

I don't know how effectively I'll be able to move AT up The List; he's already top 10%, but that's still a big category. If nothing else, it'd be great to follow your conversation(s) about his work.
