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mayo 25, 11:35 am

did we move-alter-relocate the talk pages?

When i click on talk- i no longer can toggle back to my books and other buttons.

also it has removed my stars and groups that i am watching.

mayo 26, 9:24 am

>1 EGBERTINA: Are you still seeing this? If so, are you able to provide a full screenshot of what you're seeing at all? It sounds like you were/got logged out, but you posted on Talk so I'm not sure how you saw what you reported. :)

mayo 26, 11:18 am

i know how to take a screen shot i do not know how to upload it here for the benefit of others yes. format is altered. i can still see the talk topics they are just different. i still found stars on my newbery posts but not normal posts

not quite a logged out issue if i log out i get thousands of messages presented - but no emphasis on groups i regularly watch/participate

mayo 26, 11:19 am

okay nope its back to normal can see the -yourbooks buttons and other buttons, too but no, i was not logged out

mayo 27, 6:41 pm

>4 EGBERTINA: Glad it's normal for you again, let us know if you see issues again and we can take another look.

mayo 27, 6:47 pm

thank u