How to post a URL of potential interest to others

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How to post a URL of potential interest to others

mayo 25, 10:52 am

I have done this before, but I always forget how to do a posting of an article that might be of interest to others

Editado: mayo 25, 10:59 am

You just write something like this

<a href="">How to post a URL of potential interest to others</a>

which displays like this:

How to post a URL of potential interest to others

mayo 25, 11:01 am

>2 bnielsen:

Or you can just enter

No need to use html.

mayo 25, 11:11 am

>3 lilithcat: I must be really dense today as I can't seem to get the idea. What I want to do is to place the following URL "" where it would catch the eye of any member. There must be a Group where this should go as I have seen things like it somewhere

mayo 25, 11:17 am

You have to figure out which group is the right place for your URL. Give it a subject that tells people what it is about. Mention whether it is behind a pay wall (even if the pay is 'only' personal information). And don't put any punctuation before or after the URL, so that it actually works as a link. It doesn't in >4 JoeB1934:.

mayo 25, 11:21 am

>5 MarthaJeanne: Thanks, I will do that.

mayo 25, 4:10 pm

>3 lilithcat: Yes, point taken, but I didn't know where the OP wanted it to appear or if he might like to use a text as link.