Tale of Three 2020's GOP Women

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Tale of Three 2020's GOP Women

mayo 24, 7:02 am

Kellyanne Conway ~ pro-Trump ~ nuked her personal life

Nikki Haley ~ pro-Trump ~ nuked her brand

Liz Chaney ~ anti-Trump ~ a Margaret-Thatcher type nuked by modern-day GOP

mayo 24, 7:21 am

Margaret Thatcher may be the most divisive figure in British politics since Oliver Cromwell. Not very well loved by the bulk of the British public from anywhere below the upper middle class down and one's assigned class in Britain is pretty much a person's identification from birth until death. She is absolutely loathed in certain regions/areas of England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Northern Ireland. For the well off and very wealthy and Ulster protestants and right wing National Front members she's more the revered figure. I don't think it's a good thing for a national leader to have such a love/hate relationship with the people their head of politics of and as examples one could look at Nixon, Reagan or Clinton here but particularly at Donald Trump. A large % of people living in the United Kingdom celebrated when she died and not in a nice way. I don't like Liz Cheney but she's not quite there as far as Mrs. Thatcher and for her own sake I hope she never does get there.

Kellyanne is ambitious and a DC insider. She certainly boosted her profile for near half of the American voting populace. There are plenty of others inside DC looking to do exactly the same. That's why a lot of them try to put theirselves in a similar situation......to ride on coattails and it's both major political parties.

Nikki Haley has never had anything amounting to broad national support. Running in the primary gave her about as much national attention as she's ever going to get but she was never a serious threat to win the republican nomination. Her only hope was if Donald's trials had gone ahead and he was convicted and put in prison or if Donald died or had some kind of catastrophic medical event. Even then........

mayo 24, 7:39 am

>2 lriley:

The modern-day GOP prefers cult-following women with mush between their two ears.

mayo 24, 8:05 am

>2 lriley:

Worth listening to Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle on Thatcher here.

And here's an English comedian, Ben Elton, quoted in a 2019 article, Ben Elton says Margaret Thatcher had principles – as he takes aim at Boris Johnson and Donald Trump on tour to save the nation:

He made his name railing against Margaret Thatcher and her government but... is staggered at how completely upside- down the world has been turned by Trump, BoJo and Brexit... He added: “To say Boris Johnson lacks a moral compass is like saying the Flat Earth Society lacks an actual compass. He’s not governed by any form or morality, just venal self-interest, and it’s a very sad time. We have front page headlines genuinely spe-culating whether the Prime Minister will obey the law. Margaret Thatcher was a woman of deep political principle. I disagreed with every one of them but one thing you could never call her was self-interested. She allowed herself to become the most hated woman in Britain because of what she believed. That’s a level of integrity we could do with now. But please don’t say Ben Elton misses Mrs Thatcher. I miss politics with integrity. When I last toured I was smarter than my phone. Boris Johnson’s not even smarter than a Nokia”... And while Ben reckons the UK finds itself on a cliff edge, America isn’t in a much safer place. He said: “We have a president tweeting conspiracy theories from the White House toilet. It’s more serious than anyone can imagine — 400 years of human advancement all based on evidence, and it’s gone. We’re back to Galileo standing before the Inquisition, forcing him to say the sun goes round the Earth, even though his telescope tells him otherwise. And they’re like, ‘No, we don’t like your truth, tell us the truth we want to hear.’ And that’s what Trump is doing with climate change"...

Editado: mayo 24, 11:28 am

>4 John5918: Much much lower intensity than what's going on in Israel today but she turned her secret services loose in Northern Ireland......a lot of torture, some assassinations, the unionist pol and former UVF paramilitary David Ervine would later comment she set back the peace process a good 15 years and he considered himself a Brit and not Irish.....also as anti-trade union as it gets--again turning her secret services loose + the massive armed police riots against strikers particularly the UK miners strikes circa 1984 (dogs, horses, just clubbing people, pretty much pushed a large mass of strikers off of a cliff even) that just devastated communities up and down the country. She had this habit of speaking of her political rivals and the communities that suffered during her time as 'the enemy within'. She spoke of the families who had sons off fighting in the Falklands in those terms too. A lot of laws got bent----a lot of national services got privatized.....the wealthy made out like bandits and the poll tax was another thing targeting the lower classes to pay more taxes while giving the wealthy tax breaks and benefits. It was austerity for the have nots and more and more gold for the wealthy. Listening to a lot of punk and post punk from that era back then....both US and UK mainly.....there were just loads and loads of songs from the UK side about her and almost all of it looking at her negatively.

Editado: mayo 25, 8:57 am

It appears that Nikki decided being a member of a personality cult was more to her liking than being a strong role model for girls and young women going forward. Nikki is not a steel magnolia.

Editado: mayo 24, 8:27 pm

Scaramucci Scolds ‘No Backbone’ Nikki Haley Over Trump Endorsement: ‘She’s Smarter Than What She’s Doing Right Now’

“I’m disappointed in Governor Haley,” Scaramucci said on Friday’s episode of The Situation Room on CNN. “She knows the danger. She’s smarter than what she’s doing right now. But there’s no backbone in her decision. She’s obviously been influenced by these campaign apparatchiks and these campaign consultants that tell her, ‘Hey, you better support Donald Trump or you have no future in that party.'”

Scaramucci noted that Haley notched 20% of the primary vote against Trump and insisted she could have helped form “a new center-right party that dropped the hatred, dropped the threat of violence, dropped the threat of persecution.”

Nikki ~ the last person standing ~ could have joined people like Liz Chaney, Geoff Duncan and many others in the start of that very necessary patriotic undertaking.

mayo 25, 1:03 am

Not sure why people are surprised that Haley chose to endorse Trump. Almost all the time no matter how much bad blood from these inter-party squabbles Democrats and Republicans end up being team players and endorse their party nominee. Being a member in good standing is all part and parcel of the ideology of party politics. Only so much room for anyone for free thinking if they don't want to be a party pariah. Amash tried that. Cheney tried that. Where are they now? In this respect Trump actually is an outlier. If somehow someone beat him the last thing I'd think he do is endorse his opponent but the Republican Party has also inferred upon him an exceptional status that I don't think they'd do for anyone else and it's mainly because he owns their base. Another exception may be Rashida Tlaib who has plenty of Democratic Party enemies along with the Israel lobby but has a very strong base of support in her Detroit area district. I think they're going to have to live with her but if they ever chuck her out of the party I think she might still retain her seat.

Editado: mayo 25, 8:59 am

Nikki was 'putty in the hands' of male GOP reps, governors and billionaires. They pretended to support her in order to keep women voters engaged. America needs a steel-magnolia-type female in the Oval Office. This week Nikki handed the voters evidence that she is not, and never will be, that type of leader.

Editado: mayo 25, 2:41 pm

Nikki's actions this week relayed a very troubling message to a generation of girls and young women ~ when things get tough, surrender ~ allow yourself to be jerked around by the 'powers that be' because they always know best.

Editado: mayo 29, 5:16 pm

Power-worshiping scumbags are generally men, but not always. Haley has proven herself to be just another Republican scumbag. The fact she is a woman is irrelevant.

mayo 28, 8:58 pm

‘Finish Them!’ Nikki Haley Autographs Bomb in Israel to Be Dropped On Gaza

This news report makes my skin crawl. The GOP and America dodged a bullet when Nikki bailed after Super Tuesday.