Budget Way to Scan Some Neat Art

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Budget Way to Scan Some Neat Art

mayo 20, 8:48 pm

I am not a librarian or anything other than a hobbyist archivist who is in a niche fandom and collects books in printed foreign languages and got some Russian books I'm wanting scanned. I don't want the binds ruined. So if I open the book literally the interior bind is full art. I got some decent HQ with a regular scanner but pressing down I'm getting that crease.

Any ideas/ suggestions on handheld scanners? Or something maybe I'm missing?

mayo 21, 11:39 pm

Very lo-fi: use the LT app to upload a picture using a phone camera, including a very basic crop function. If someone holds the book open, a second someone could take the photo and then use the app to crop out the fingers used to hold open the book.

mayo 22, 1:10 am

The books are probably under copyright protection.