a guide to warriors roleplays ★ creating characters

CharlasAny RP

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a guide to warriors roleplays ★ creating characters

mayo 2, 10:10 am

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a guide to warriors roleplays
part one : creating characters
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We all know that feeling. You find a new roleplay, click on the signups studio's link, and begin to fill out your bio. But often we get stuck. What should my character's prefix be? Their appearance, their traits? Often, when creating a character, you fill out the bio absentmindedly, meaning when you get attached to the character, you get frustrated with the appearance and traits past you picked. This time, I'm here to help! Let's get into it.

one . names
Most warriors roleplays only require you to pick your prefix, letting the admin otherwise known as a mod decide your character's suffix. When making a character, you want to find a good prefix that represents your character, but is also creative and unique. These are very hard to find, and I definitely wish that when making Rookcall, my TFCRP character, that I'd used a more creative suffix. Her design is also horrible, but more on that later.

I recommend looking up synonyms for basic prefixes. Your character is midnight black? Great! Look up 'synonyms for black'. Perfect; you've found the synonym 'Sable'. See how much better that sounds? Using this technique has helped me name my characters, and I highly recommend it. Thesaurus's, such as an old one I have for school, also contain great name options.

Here's an example. Meet my future warriors character. I'm looking for a prefix I can use. Pick a theme- for example, I picked the theme 'storm.' Your theme can be anything from 'sky' to 'forest', as long as it's natural. Search up synonyms for your theme; in my case, I looked up synonyms for storm. Looking through the options, I pick the prefix 'Gale-'.

When picking a prefix, remember to follow basic warriors naming rules, along with any special rules specific to the roleplay.

two . appearances
As someone who runs an active warriors roleplay, I can tell you from experience how much it frustrates me when people write simple bios such as 'black cat with green eyes' for their cat's appearance. Give your character a proper description, one worthy of the name you picked earlier.

Here's an example. Taking Gale-, my example cat from earlier, the name already suggests a stormy appearance. Let's say Gale- is a dark grey cat. Eye colour? Amber. Any patterns? Gale- has multiple white patches on their fur. Scars? One on their muzzle. Differences? None. Height? 11.5".
Now let's take this information and turn it into a description!

Gale- is a dark, stormy grey tom with white patches on his fur, like he had rolled in snow. He has fierce amber eyes framed by a white mask, and one white paw. Gale- has a small scar on his muzzle, and large white tufts on his ears. He measures 11.5".

Boom! There you have it; a fully fleshed out description of your cat.

three . character traits
Alright; here comes the part a lot of people struggle with. Deciding your characters personality can be hard, but with some help, you can make them come to life. Following the three positives, three neutrals and three negative structure, let's go back to Gale.

Gale- is a courageous + , cunning = cat who can be grumpy = at times. He is brave + and loyal + , although he can be insulting - , sarcastic = , and manipulative - . Gale is pessimistic - , and believes the worst in everyone, always looking for the worst outcome in any situation.

Laying that out in a structure, we get the following traits.
+ courageous, brave, loyal.
= cunning, grumpy, sarcastic.
- insulting, manipulative, pessimistic.

Now that you know your characters' personality, you can portray them correctly. Here's an example with Gale-, using the suffix -whirl.

Galewhirl let out an annoyed grunt, watching the kits play rambunctiously outside the nursery. The stormy grey tom flicked his tail, turning away from the kits, instead focusing on the patrol getting ready to leave. They were going to fight the fox that had recently moved into the territory. Galewhirl wished he could go with them; he was ready to take on the intruder and defend his territory.

See? We've shown Galewhirl's personality, along with creating the perfect roleplay starter.

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