
Abr 12, 2:01 pm

In Chapter 19 we find out about horrific actions undertaken by both sides in the war in Libya and Syria. What do these actions in wars like these say about us as a human species?

Abr 12, 3:23 pm

In all honesty, I have come to despair about the human species! Why we can’t all just get on together, and be happy with our own little plot of land, I just don’t know. The propensity for greed and covetousness of humans both amazes and frightens me. And why do we have to keep searching for bigger and better ways to kill each other? Civilised? No, we’re just as barbaric as the hordes of the past…

Abr 12, 7:47 pm

It certainly is a shame that we all can’t just play nice together

Abr 12, 8:05 pm

I can't imagine what it must be like to live in that type of war zone. I also can't imagine a time when each side won't be scheming to take away the other side's land/resources.

Editado: Abr 13, 9:10 am

>I can't imagine ever being in a war zone. I am flabbergasted on a daily basis, at what is happening, not only in my country ...but in the world. Our people in government all act like a bunch of 5-year-olds...but none of my 5-year-olds would have never seen the outside of their rooms if they had dared to act like these so called "leaders". Seems that wars have been fought for ages over land, money and power.

Abr 13, 11:02 am

>5 Carol420: I agree that our country needs mature leadership!

Editado: Abr 13, 11:50 am

>6 EadieB: Would you like the job? I'll vote for you.

Abr 13, 11:54 am

>7 Carol420: Thanks for the compliment!

Abr 14, 5:02 am

At times I despair at the state of the world. The capacity for violence in our species seems infinite and the ability to co-operate horribly limited.