
Abr 11, 2:31 pm

Did it seem too easy to steal a nuclear powered missile? Is this realistic do you feel, and if so does that give you cause for concern?

Abr 11, 4:44 pm

Considering we have to buy into the hi-tech nature of this story, I don’t think it’s too far a stretch to accept the ease of the hijack of the Kanyon.
Personally, I’m not going to worry too much about such a thing occurring in real-life. The boffins, politicos, or any aspiring megalomaniacs (😄) will do what they’re gonna do, regardless. Let’s just hope sanity prevails,🤞.

Abr 12, 10:54 am

I don’t feel like this was realistic to steal a powered nuclear missile. Hopefully they would keep them more secured.

Abr 12, 2:13 pm

Most probably not that realistic but hey this is an Oregon Files book, and you have to suspend some reality when reading them. Definitely a far reaching and cunning plan.

It does worry you if things like this can happen, and that would be a big worry.

Abr 12, 7:54 pm

For the purpose of the storyline I'm going along with it.