
Abr 11, 2:31 pm

Any thoughts on the attempt to apprehend Herrera? Could Juan and his team have done anything differently to avoid what happened?

Abr 11, 4:40 pm

Cabrillo and his team could not have known there was an assassination plot in hand which would coincide so drastically with their own op. Unforeseeable and unfortunate; I don’t think Cabrillo could have made any contingency plan for anything like this.

Abr 12, 10:51 am

No I don’t think Juan and his team could have done anything different to avoid what happened.

Abr 12, 2:10 pm

Very bizarre coincidence that both attempts to get to Herrera were happening at the same time. No way that Juan and his team could have known about this or that there could have been a different outcome.

Abr 12, 7:53 pm

There was nothing they could do. Another operation was going on at the same time. It seems a little coincidental but I always suspend my beliefs when we are with the Oregon crew.