
Abr 11, 2:30 pm

What did you think was happening to Yashin and others on the Russian sub when they started feeling tired and falling asleep? Why?

Abr 11, 4:37 pm

I assumed foul play. Some poison in the air. I presumed this was where the person in league with Hakobyan was going to get hold of the weapon known as Kanyon. One sophisticated heist!

Editado: Abr 12, 10:43 am

Something was wrong with the air. Yashin felt light-headed with his breathing fast and shallow. He stumbled toward the intercom to report an emergency but never made it. The main computer activated the automated torpedo system and loaded its single Kenyon torpedo into its enormous launch tube.

Abr 12, 2:09 pm

It could only have been some sort of gas or poison in the air to knock them all out. It was clearly an attempt to gain possession of the weapon.

Abr 12, 3:34 pm

I agree with you all.

Abr 13, 9:23 am

I also agree.