
Abr 11, 2:27 pm

Was there anything else Calvert could have done in Chapter 1 when confronted by the Sungu Barat?

Abr 11, 4:12 pm

No, he didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in the hot place of shaking off what we all knew to be the Oregon… 😉.

Abr 12, 8:04 am

Not a hope whatever he did once they went up against the Oregon. Playing in a different league.

Abr 12, 9:25 am

The options were to either run or fight. There were only two ships within 500 kilometers. A gun battle wouldn’t be noticed.

Abr 12, 3:23 pm

He had no other choice. It sounded like he was more afraid of his bosses than whatever would happen with the Oregon. P!us, it looked like a hunk of junk that easily could be sunk with no consequences.

Abr 13, 9:17 am

I agree that he didn't stand a chance. The Oregan is a "persona" all its own.