Master Knitters

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Master Knitters

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Nov 3, 2006, 3:53 pm

Has anyone completed the master knitter certification? I'm thinking about applying, but I wondered if anyone had any experience?

Nov 5, 2006, 1:12 pm

I've finished level 1, and have the paperwork for level 2 (must get the most recent update, though!) It is a very good way to get you to THINK about your knitting. Read and follow the directions exactly. You make a lot of samples, and then send them in to be evaluated. The reviewers are going to be knit picky (sorry, couldn't resist!) but that is what you are asking them to do.


3lcmorris Primer Mensaje
Nov 18, 2006, 3:18 pm

I just received my packet for Level I at the end of October. I've read through the instructions and besides knitting swatches there is quite a bit of essay work to do. Could be interesting. As Knitsnspins indicated, it will make you think about not only your knitting, but knitting concepts as well.


Jun 15, 2007, 11:20 am

from a non-guilder

what is involved in becoming a master knitter?

Feb 21, 2008, 10:40 am

Maybe some of you more experienced knitters could help me. Is anyone familiar with Entrelac knitting (also called Lady Eleanor). I'm trying to master it and could use some advice.
Thank you very much.

Feb 22, 2008, 12:12 pm

gautherbelle are you knitting it in the round or straight across, with one color or multiple colors?

Feb 22, 2008, 3:08 pm

Now I am knitting straight across. After much cursing and gnashing of teeth I finally figured it out. It seems that to understand the instructions you have to already know how to do it. But if you have any advice please advise away.


Feb 22, 2008, 8:40 pm

gautherbelle I don't know that I have any brilliant advice except that sometimes it helps to see it first or work in scrap yarn until how it works becomes clear.

It sounds like you have already made great progress (what would knitting be without some gnashing of teeth on occasion).

I do think Entrelac looks lovely and it always evokes those 'how did you do that/' comments much like cables.

Jun 19, 2008, 10:36 am

I finished the first level, oh, three years ago. I then sent away for the second level, and have not started at all. I do plan to, but I keep having exciting things happen like grad school and working for LibraryThing.

My major suggestions for anyone starting are to use a yarn that you don't mind looking at for weeks. I used Wool of the Andes from, in the natural color. I would get my hands on the Vogue knitting book. Join the Yahoo group for Master Knitters. There are all sorts of good tricks and tips in the archives, like what to do if one side of your stitch is bigger than the other. (Ahem.)

I'm always up for answering questions too, if anyone wants to contact me. But I'm only good for Level 1, for now.

Ene 24, 2009, 10:56 am

Hi! I dicover this place today. It seems nice.
I finish level 1 since 2003 and also have the papers for level 2. I like the way you learn by working on the samples. Is not that hard, is only of matter of dedicated the time. Hope I find that time soon.

Feb 1, 2009, 11:16 pm

Graduated Basics and waiting for the Level One package to start. I just saw my name published in the CAST ON knitting magazine. I learned so much with just the Basics, Basics, Basics course, and I expect to learn much more with the one coming. The evaluation process is very gentle, and quite an eye opener. You see clearly where you can correct errors or improve your stitches. If anyone is interested in this they can check out The Knitting Guild of America site.
I'm not sure if I can add a link but it is easy enough to find by typing the site name into your search engine.

Nov 9, 2012, 8:48 am

Could someone please post a link to more information about the Master Knitter certification?

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