Scotch Tastings


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Scotch Tastings

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Mar 11, 2008, 5:22 pm

So, on the slim chance that one of you is either in my Washington, DC or at least is aware of scotch tastings around the world (no, I am not demanding) - if any of you knows of such an event, please let me know!! Many thanks.

Mar 12, 2008, 5:07 am

I've found that most physical stores that have a reasonable range - ie more than about 10 malts - will hold occasional tastings. It might be worth having a word with your local manager and asking if they've considered it.

Mar 12, 2008, 6:39 am

I'd keep an eye on Jim Murray's movements, as he gets to the east coast of the USA a couple of times a year to host tastings.

Mar 21, 2008, 9:24 pm

Thanks, guys - I will check on both!