
CharlasBook Discussion : The Bone Garden by Kate Ellis

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Nov 11, 2019, 3:43 pm

Did you think Billy Wheeler did see the murderer? What sort of witness do you think he’d make?

Editado: Nov 11, 2019, 4:05 pm

I believe that Billy saw someone leaving... but I don't think he saw the murderer. I do think it was Willerby that left but someone else came back and killed the man in the camp...not Willerby. Billy was a great witness but a jury would more than likely not take his testimony too seriously because of his age.

While I'm thinking...I can see another reason for the shirt being off other than a cut hand from the killer. The person that may have killed the man could have been a woman and they had been having some "extra curricular activity" and the man was in the process of getting dressed. She took the shirt with her when she left. I've probably just answered a numerous amount of your future questions:)

Nov 11, 2019, 5:32 pm

I think Willerby was there but isn't the murderer.

Nov 11, 2019, 6:26 pm

I believe he did see someone but didn't think it was the killer. The fact that it was Willerby leads me to think that his interest in speaking with Wesley was a response to that visit to John Jones. As to whether Billy would be a good witness - he seems to be a detailed kid and anxious to share what he knows.

Nov 11, 2019, 6:50 pm

I agree with all above. I don't believe Willerby killed Jones, but I do think he'd visited Jones and was seen by young Billy that night.
Billy was an excellent witness, he was able to pick Willerby's photo out from several other mug-shots, thus giving the police a strong line of investigation to follow up on; however, I'm not sure how seriously a child would be taken if this ever had to go to court.

Nov 12, 2019, 5:36 am

I have to agree with everyone that Willerby did visit Jones but he is not the killer.