Children's Book Series

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Children's Book Series

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Dic 27, 2018, 7:44 pm

I am building my classroom library for when I finish my Elementary Education degree. I am in the process of cataloging all my books I currently have. Would always love suggestions for books.

I have I am pretty sure I have all of the Junie B. Jones series. Will know for sure once I log it. Hopefully this weekend.

These are the series I want to get or ones I have part of already.

Magic Tree House
Boxcar Children
JigSaw Jones Mysteries
ABC/Calander Mysteries


Judy Blume
Barbara Park
Jerry Spinelli
Gertrude Warner
Beverely Cleary
Betty Birney

Where I feel I am lacking at least at this point are more authors and series that might be more geared for boys. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Editado: Ene 25, 2019, 1:11 am

To me, with the possible exception of Barbara Park, that list seems like it would appeal to both boys and girls. At anyrate, both my son and daughter read a lot of them. The series I think of as very girl-oriented are things like Animal Ark, Color Fairies, American Girl and Babysitters Club.

The "Who was..." series of biographies is fantastic and would work for boys or girls:
Who Was series

The Horrible Histories series is also a lot of fun, although I'm only really familiar with the ones labeled "Original" in that list.

My kids also both enjoyed the Magic School Bus chapter books (and all of the easy readers, original books, and pretty much anything with Ms. Frizzle; including the 3 history/time travel books)

My son really liked the Flat Stanley series, and there are also the Geronimo Stilton books.

Feb 20, 2019, 1:09 pm

>2 merrystar: Seconding the Who Was series. Widely popular at every library I've worked.

I'd also add in Andrew Clements to your mix of authors. He writes a lot of good realistic fiction, much of focusing on friendships and school.

Abr 19, 2019, 10:18 pm

Thank you both to >2 merrystar: & >3 sweetiegherkin:

Sorry for my long overdue response to your replies on my post. I have been taking advantage of the local Goodwill first Saturday of the month sales and greatly increasing the number of books I have. I have added almost all of the series you have mentioned. The only one I haven't found many of is The Who HQ series. I have one logged and I know I have at least 1 or 2 more in boxes yet to be logged. I'm not familiar with the Horrible Histories one so I will have to look into that one.

Working daily as a substitute teacher is greatly helping me see what the children are currently reading as well as what the teachers have in their classroom libraries.

Abr 20, 2019, 11:24 am

My daughters loved the Lily Quench series, the Pandora series by Carolyn Hennesey, and all of the Erin Hunter Warrior books, but those are all probably upper elementary level. The Warrior books seem to appeal to both boys and girls.

Jun 4, 2019, 12:51 pm

I know I'm super late to this discussion, but I just joined this group (literally) today. For chapter books, I think the Mac B, Kid Spy series would definitely appeal to boys (and girls); for middle grade, I would go with the Percy Jackson series.

Jul 23, 2019, 9:31 pm

>2 merrystar: >3 sweetiegherkin: >5 Marissa_Doyle: >6 AlbaArango:

Thank you all for your responses, I have steadily been adding books and getting them cataloged. I have spend my entire month of July off from school cataloging books. I am now over 2,100 books entered into my database.

I have added a ton of the following series of books
Geronimo Stilton
Thea Stilton
Who Was

I have a lot of Flat Stanley that will be entered soon, I have many books by Ron Roy including his ABC, Calendar, Capital Mysteries.

I have added some books by Andrew Clements with some more in the remaining couple of boxes I have to add at this point.

>5 Marissa_Doyle: Other than the Erin Hunter books I'm not familiar with any of the authors you mentioned. I will have to get to my local library and take a look at them.

Again thank you to everyone for all of your suggestions!

Jul 25, 2019, 1:37 pm

I'm glad you've been able to build your library - it sounds like you are in great shape. What a fantastic excuse to buy kids books :)

A few others I thought of:

Marguerite Henry books -- Misty of Chincoteague is the famous one, but they're all pretty good. Horse-crazy kids still love them.

and you could consider stretching up to the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. Definitely a more advanced reading level, but content is appropriate for elementary ages. And, going back to your original post about wanting books that appeal to boys, it appealed more to my son than to my daughter.