Goodness! 113 singletons...

CharlasSingleton Showcase (Books!)

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Goodness! 113 singletons...

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Ene 23, 2008, 4:00 am

I've just gone through and managed to combine 8 books, but that still leaves me with 113 singletons.

I can understand the ancient computer books, but I seem to have a large number of books that are both mainstream and recent. Well, anyway, I've tagged them Singleton Showcase (what a good idea - now I can check when they get a twin).

A few I think will stay orphaned forever:

A Kitchen Goes To War
Interior Designers Handbook 1984
A Docaria Tradicional Pelotas
A woman of letters by March Cost
The Danwich guide to Danish open Sandwiches

(several failed touchstones)