January Book to Read?

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January Book to Read?

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Ene 1, 2008, 5:13 pm

Who picks the book?

Editado: Ene 3, 2008, 9:52 am

A suggestion: A swedish writer. Let The Right One In by Lindqvist, John Ajvide

From bokus.se
"Oskar and Eli. In very different ways, they were both victims. Which is why, against the odds, they became friends. And how they came to depend on one another, for life itself. Oskar is a 12 year old boy living with his mother on a dreary housing estate at the city's edge. He dreams about his absentee father, gets bullied at school, and wets himself when he's frightened. Eli is the young girl who moves in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. She is a 200 year old vampire, forever frozen in childhood, and condemned to live on a diet of fresh blood. John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel, a huge bestseller in his native Sweden, is a unique and brilliant fusion of social novel and vampire legend; and a deeply moving fable about rejection, friendship and loyalty."

Handling The Dead by Lindqvist, John Ajvide
"Something very peculiar is happening in Stockholm. There's a heatwave on and people cannot turn their lights out or switch their appliances off. Then the terrible news breaks. In the city morgue, the dead are waking up...What do they want? What everybody wants: to come home. "Handling the Undead" is a story about our greatest fear and about a love that defies death. Following his success with "Let the Right One In", this novel too has been a bestseller in his native Sweden."

Ene 4, 2008, 12:02 am

Hmm, it seems it is called "Let Me In" in North America, and it just came out in hardcover here. It looks interesting:

From Publishers Weekly
Swedish author Lindqvist's debut, a horror novel, offers few twists that won't already be familiar to readers of modern vampire fiction. Oskar, a much bullied 12-year-old schoolboy living in a Stockholm suburb, notices that his next-door neighbor, Eli, has some peculiar traits: Eli only comes out at night, smells like death warmed over and is of ambiguous gender. Eventually, Eli reveals he's a vampire who survives by feeding off the neighborhood lowlifes. Occasionally, his bite accidentally turns victims into undeads who, unaware of their vampirization, go on rampages that end in spectacularly gruesome fates. As sweet as the pure and wholesome friendship between Oskar and Eli may be, it's the gory set pieces that propel the predictable plot.

The second one doesn't appear to be available here yet...

Editado: Ene 4, 2008, 2:16 am

It's the same book, you can see them here, they are translated.. (in end of the page)
