The Only Rule is it Has to Work


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The Only Rule is it Has to Work

Abr 22, 2016, 1:24 pm

Good read. Here is the review I wrote for my Library Thing Early Reviewer copy.

The older I get, the better I am at finding books I like to read. So I can scan a review and go 'yeah' or 'naw' in a few lines. I knew I was going to like this book. It is even better than I had hoped.

Ben and Sam are baseball writers, both Editors-in-Chief (like Attorneys General) of Baseball Prospectus - Sam current, Ben emeritus, my go-to site for daily baseball browsing.

Through an unlikely series of events, they were able to 'take-over' an unaffiliated minor league team last summer, given mostly free-reign over decisions by the team's GM and owner.

The authors showed up to spring training armed only with spreadsheets and baseball geek connections, and had to figure out how to make it all work over an 80 game season. They mostly succeed, with a few (foreseeable) difficulties integrating the data into the various humans affected.

BenandSam (run-on intentional) are also podcast hosts for the (mostly) daily Baseball Prospectus podcast. I hope they eventually - maybe next off-season - go into a lengthy, chapter-by-chapter out-take - because I have some questions. One is did they change names, because some of the portrayals are less than flattering. They may have burnt some ships.

Like life, the events last summer didn't all work out as planned. At best, the existential gale quieted for a few innings here and there. But that is more than enough reward for the reader. This book is like your favorite sandwich at your favorite sandwich shop - you look forward to it, despite knowing what to expect, and devour it down every time, pickles and all. Five stars.

Jun 5, 2019, 1:36 pm

Just popping in to say that I've just purchased this book and look forward to reading it soon. I live in Mendocino County, not very far at all from Sonoma, where the team described here still plays.

Mar 11, 2020, 6:35 pm

Read this book a while back and greatly enjoyed it.

Jun 9, 2020, 1:08 pm

I just finished reading this book. My review is in the "What Book Are You Reading" thread in this group. Short review: lots of fun and very well written.

Editado: Jun 19, 2020, 5:54 pm

Thanks for the thread here. I hadn't seen this book but now that you've mentioned it I must go read it. Adding to list, moving to top.
The only rule is it has to work by Ben Lindbergh

Ene 27, 2021, 2:46 pm

I need to read this too.

Dic 6, 2023, 12:42 pm

One of my favorite recent baseball books.