what have you seen lately?

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what have you seen lately?

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Sep 11, 2007, 2:39 pm

I have seen the Fischli/Weiss retrospective 3 times, here in Zurich. They are local heroes here. So it is a bit difficult to have an objective view on them. I liked the collection of more than 2000 vacation pictures they made during 20 years. It gives an idea on what the modern global player in art is contemplating abroad and on local trips. My feeling is, that Fischli/ Weiss are overrated and did not develop much since the early eighties.
Have you seen the Documenta, Kassel, Venice, or have you been in Basel? Your opinion? What is there to see in the US, that should not be missed?

Sep 11, 2007, 3:13 pm

I recently went to the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco and saw sculptures and paintings from Matisse and really wonderful photographs from Martin Munkacsi.

Editado: Sep 14, 2007, 4:41 am

Martin Munkacsi photographs are worth rediscovering!- I had never heard of him. Thanks. -He is in Wikipedia, there is the information that he was the best paid photo-journalist of his time. In 1934 he left Europe and worked in the US. After his death, the museums in the US had no interest of the donation of his work. - What a mistake.
What do you like about Matisse? It is not difficult to like his work, I know. But it is an interesting question, after decades of exorbitant fame. Seeing originals is always different and rewarding.

Feb 25, 2008, 10:16 am

#3 (diwan)

I never realized you had responded to my post so I'm really late in replying.

What do I like about Matisse? I was somewhat familiar with Matisse the painter, but had never seen either his cut outs or sculptures before this exhibit.
The curator did a really wonderful job of emphasizing the variety of his work and also the work of his contemporaries. There were also photographs of him at work in his studio. Even though I went primarily to see the paintings, the sculptures were amazing. These representations of the human form were what I liked best.