What besides books do you have in your LFL?

CharlasLittle Free Libraries

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What besides books do you have in your LFL?

Mar 17, 2015, 12:14 pm

We have vegetable seed packets and note cards I make. I love the idea of dog treats. What do you have?

Mar 17, 2015, 1:47 pm

That wouldn't have occurred to me (I don't have my own LFL, but I contribute occasionally to one nearby), but now I'm thinking it would be cute to match up a book with a little gift. Like a gardening book with a seed packet, or a book about dogs with dog treats. Maybe tied together with a jaunty bow!

Mar 17, 2015, 9:25 pm

Thank you Amy for contributing to a LFL nearby you. I am always delighted when I find new books in our LFL.

Mar 17, 2015, 9:53 pm

>1 TheDepotLFL: I have bookmarks...some of these are origami bookmarks that I myself make. I have a guest book. I also have a small box holding business cards for Little Free Library, BookCrossing, and a few from an author/blogger who visited my LFL before she returned to Germany.

Mar 18, 2015, 8:00 pm

Today I put a guest book and some dog treats in our LFL. Anxious to see if anyone leaves us a message.

Mar 18, 2015, 8:08 pm

At the moment, just bookmarks. I often put candy in there around Christmas and Halloween. I used to have a guestbook, but it was stolen and I haven't replaced it.

I like the idea of giving away seed packets!

Mar 18, 2015, 8:32 pm

>1 TheDepotLFL: Just a warning that a LFL guest book is very apt to be stolen for whatever reason people take things that they're not supposed to. My first guest book was stolen three months after I set up my LFL.

Here's what to do to be proactive in regard to this issue:
1. Do not spend a lot of money on a guest book.
2. Assume that the guest book will eventually disappear.
3. Read the entries frequently.
4. Either photograph the pages or copy the messages to your personal computer at regular intervals.
5. When the guest book disappears, you will still have the messages from your LFL visitors. At that time, start a new guest book.

Mar 20, 2015, 9:41 am

Everything is sometimes: dog treats, pencils (related to most current holiday), coffee pods, tea bags, bookmarks (always!), my little guest book, A copy of Miss Rumphius, to whom the library is dedicated is always in there.

Jun 4, 2023, 9:44 am

Jul 6, 2023, 5:04 pm

Hi there: new here!

My LFL is just over one year old and I love to add extras. I have a small treasure chest that stores stickers, fidget toys, shoestrings, candy, figurines, erasers, and other small surprises. I also have bookmarks in their own little pocket, a tiny “bulletin board” of library events, a guest book and pen, and an “Activity Annex” mounted to the side of the library—an acrylic brochure holder like realtors use—that stores coloring pages, puzzles, recipes, craft instructions, and magazines.

Occasionally, I add in small stuffed animals as “reading buddies,” run contests, provide a magnet poetry board, share seeds, offer small craft kits, give away holiday goodies, and stage miniature scenes.

I have plans to build a Little Free Gallery, as well, with one floor dedicated to art/craft supplies and books, plus another floor displaying small crafts and pieces of art.

Editado: mayo 15, 3:31 pm

>10 lfl147995: Welcome! That sounds terrific!

My LFL is down to just books, an ocasional cd or videotape and one trinket or toy. The current toy is a stuffed octopus! :D

Jul 7, 2023, 8:35 am

I just have books in mine. Occasionally someone will put a video game in there. It's rather small, so I tend not to accumulate extra stuff, and often have to take donated books out.

mayo 15, 12:02 am

One of the ones I frequently check out had a bunch of giftcards in it around Christmas as I recall. Other than that I can't remember seeing anything that wasn't a book.

mayo 15, 9:17 am

In Portland, Oregon:


In my town there is a LFL for exchanging small pieces of art.