cookbooks and magazines

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cookbooks and magazines

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1LadyBee Primer Mensaje
Ago 8, 2007, 4:48 pm

I'm trying to clear house a bit. I have a good amount of older cookbooks, the small ones (like the jello ones) and some older magazines. I can't stand the thought of just getting rid of them. Not sure what to do with them. Any suggestions?

Ago 8, 2007, 6:40 pm

Whatever you do, don't throw them away!!!! People like me collect them.

Last week, I was at a sale and I said I wished there were old cookbooks, The woman said she collected them. I said I also collected recipe booklets, and she said she had loads of them. Then her daughter piped up and said she threw them away!!!!! I felt sick for hours thereafter.

I don't want to be self-serving, but... (I also would need to check rules here.)

I am thinking of putting a WANT on Freecycle, but I need to make it clear that I'm not a seller.

Oh, a non-self-serving idea. I wonder whether your library holds book sales and whether they would be interested in them (or whether they'd consider them junk).

Ago 9, 2007, 11:31 pm

Our local (church-run) Thrift Store sells used books, including cookbooks. Perhaps there is something like that in your area?

If no one wants your magazines, perhaps a local school or daycare would like to use them for craft projects.

Oct 15, 2009, 11:59 am

I have some old one from my mother and aunts. I some find them at garage sales. I have some from my class in Home Economics in the late 50s. Texas Electric always had some good ones.