I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains...

CharlasAustralian LibraryThingers

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I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains...

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Jun 7, 2014, 4:04 am

Should we have an Australian National Poem? If yes, what do you suggest? (other than Dorothea Mackellar's 'My Country'!)... share a line from it with us!

Jun 10, 2014, 5:58 pm

Oh, these days it has to be Lawson's 'Hanrahan'.

"We'll all be roooned," says Hanrahan/before the year is out.

Editado: Jun 17, 2014, 6:04 am

I barely remembered that one dajashby... laughed my head off when I read it again. Seems like nothing's changed since it was written!

Jun 17, 2014, 11:51 pm

Yes, yes, yes - I love Hanrahan

Jul 15, 2014, 11:42 pm

This chafed at me for a while because I seemed to remember "Said Hanrahan" as being a bit more godly than I would have expected from Henry Lawson.

I finally looked it up and it was by John O'Brien, nom de plume of Patrick Joseph Hartigan, a really truly Irish-Australian catholic priest!

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