Books/Authors in the Literary Conversations series

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Books/Authors in the Literary Conversations series

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Ene 17, 2014, 4:30 pm

Do you think a book in the Literary Conversations series should have as its author the editor of the book or the author being interviewed or both?

1) Author:
2) Editor:
3) Both:

Given that the author is the one being interviewed, and that there would be no book without his contribution, I wonder if the author should be the Primary Author or Main Author/All Editons, with the editor optional.

Ene 17, 2014, 4:47 pm

On a related note, books of letters.

I would think books of correspondence would use the correspondents as Main authors, with editor Secondary Author or optional.

What do you think about this:

Ene 17, 2014, 4:51 pm

Moved subjects of threads to Talk About Library Thing.