Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

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Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

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Ene 17, 2014, 2:55 pm

I decided I wanted a little change of pace, so I picked up Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. Supervillains have been terrorizing the non-supernatural population for the past ten years, after they received their powers in one explosive night. They are all EVIL! (Evil - what a word). They are invincible! Aha, but there's a secret and only 1 guy knows it. Well, well, well, I can hardly wait for intrigue, derring-do and everything that goes with an action-based book. And, of course, revenge. Ah, well that is a familiar theme.

And it got good reviews. As one review put it "This enjoyable read focuses more on action than character development and is perfect for genre fans who love exciting adventure stories with surprising plot twists."

If anyone else reads it, let me know what you think of it.

Ene 17, 2014, 8:42 pm

Ene 18, 2014, 10:54 am

I'm reading it at the moment, and it's not really grabbing me. To be fair, the premise didn't really appeal to me, but when I saw it at the library I picked it up because I like Sanderson's work and thought he might surprise me. The main character doesn't interest me, and if I met him in real life I think I'd find him profoundly annoying. But I will finish it because, as I said, Sanderson has the potential to turn things around for me.

Ene 20, 2014, 3:11 am

It's a fun YA book. I'm not usually a fan of superhero/supervillain stories but this one has that touch of Brandon Sanderson that makes it unique.

Ene 21, 2014, 9:10 pm

Hmm. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend. Besides, it doesn't take long to read. I was hoping for more world explanation but maybe that will come in later books. I try not to read unfinished series but did in this case. I think the second book is promised next year.

This was my first Sanderson book and I enjoyed it enough to invest in the Mistborn box set. If Steelheart is one of his weaker books as Sakerfalcon implies I should be in for a real treat.

Ene 21, 2014, 9:26 pm

I enjoyed Steelheart quite a lot. It was my second Sanderson--the first I read, which was also published in 2013 (big year for him) was The Rithmatist...couldn't be more different. I liked it even better, since I tend to like the steam punk-y stuff more than super-hero stuff.

I think I need to try his grown-up books next.

Ene 22, 2014, 1:46 am

5: This was my first Sanderson book and I enjoyed it enough to invest in the Mistborn box set. If Steelheart is one of his weaker books as Sakerfalcon implies I should be in for a real treat.

You definitely are, Stir! I read The emperor's soul and Elantris besides the Mistborn books. I thought all of them were good, but so far the Mistborn books are my favorites.

Ene 22, 2014, 5:37 am

I'm definitely in the minority for not having enjoyed this one. I thought the premise was very good - like the Incredibles, if the Incredibles were evil and Syndrome was the hero. But I didn't find the characters very interesting or well rounded, and the humour fell flat. I also got fed up with all the drooling over guns and gadgets. I did suspect that this book wouldn't be for me when I picked it up, so I didn't feel too surprised when it wasn't to my taste. But it makes for a more interesting discussion when people have different reactions to a book, right? :-D

I have The rithmatist and The way of kings still on Mount Tbr and I am really looking forward to them both.

>5 Stir:: Stir, yes you do have some great reading ahead! I particularly liked Elantris, Warbreaker and The alloy of law, but Mistborn has quite a lot in common with Steelheart in terms of theme and plot so I hope you'll love it!

Ene 22, 2014, 10:09 am

Excellent. Mistborn is at the top of my queue so I will probably start it tonight. Too bad I have work first.

Feb 6, 2014, 3:54 pm

I have to say that I do agree its not the greatest read, but it is a fast and fun read. It starts out with the character running and you feel there's lots more of that coming. After reading some of the comments here, I will take a look at his Mistborn, though I am not a great fan of most fantasy, tho I did read Eragon & Harry Potter.

Yes, definitely in this book there is not much in the way of character development. No more depth than 1 mm, but this is Sanderson's 1st teen book, so it might get better (tho my experience with series is that usually doesn't happen).

Hey, did you know that the inspiration for book came from a car drive cutting off Sanderson while he was driving and he started thinking that if he had superpowers he'd do damage. Yeah, I could see how he could wish for that.

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